Demand Iowa Republicans Stop Unemployment Attacks!

As Iowans, we value good paying jobs that help Iowa grow and allow our Iowan families to thrive. However, as Iowa Republicans continually side with corporations these jobs are more difficult to find. That's why we must stand against the Republican legislation that would cut unemployment and hurt Iowa families.

If this legislation goes through, families will be forced into jobs that don't pay enough, many will have their unemployment collection cut from 26 weeks to 16 weeks, and over the next ten years $750 million - $1 billion will be taken from Iowa workers. Furthermore, Iowa families could have to pay their bills without a paycheck for an extra week before receiving benefits if Republican Senators get their way. 

We can't let more Iowans suffer during this pandemic, especially while politicians ensured a huge corporate tax cut this session. Sign our petition today, and oppose these cuts to unemployment benefits!
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