Database Reference

Key Table Diagrams

These entity-relationship diagrams (click each one to enlarge) show the relationships between the key tables for tracking users, subscription status, actions, donations, and mailings.

Common User Tables Common Action Tables Common Mailing Tables
Common User Tables Common Action Tables Common Mailing Tables

Action Tables

The action tables relate to user actions. Users take action anytime they submit on a page.

The following action tables are described below:


Every action submitted with associated user_id, page_id, and source.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each action taken NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user on (core_action.user_id= NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) If user followed an email link to the action, the mailing id shows here. Joins to core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core page on ( core_action.page_id) NO MUL NULL  
link int(11) Not in use. YES   NULL  
source varchar(255) Whether the user came to this action from a website, mailing, TAF email, etc. NO   NULL  
opq_id varchar(255) Not in use. NO   NULL  
created_user tinyint(1) 1 if this is the first action ever taken by this user NO   NULL  
subscribed_user tinyint(1) 1 is this user was added to any of your mailings lists as a result of this action NO   NULL  
referring_user_id int(11) User_id of referrer, if the source of this action was TAF or a forwarded email. YES MUL NULL  
referring_mailing_id int(11) ID for the forwarded email if that was the action source. YES MUL NULL  
status varchar(255) Complete or incomplete. Incomplete only applies to certain page types. NO   NULL  
taf_emails_sent int(11) Number of friends' emails the action taker entered in the TAF widget. YES   NULL  
is_forwarded int(1) 0: action was not from a forwarded mailing. 1: action was from a forwarded mailing. NO   0  
ip_address varchar(15) IP address of the action taker. YES   NULL  
useragent_id int Useragent of the action taker, joining to core_useragent. YES MUL NULL  


Custom action fields; answers to survey questions (from any page type).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) Joins to the action where you find the user_id and other info. Joins on (core_actionfield.parent_id= NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of the survey question. Defined on the page using "name= action_[desiredname]" NO MUL NULL  
value longtext User's answer. NO   NULL  


Notification email to be sent to someone aside from the actiontaker after an action.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) The name of the email notification. NO   NULL  
to varchar(255) Email recipient(s) YES   NULL  
from_line_id int(11) From line id for standard from line from mailer. YES MUL NULL  
custom_from varchar(255) Custom from line NO   NULL  
subject varchar(255) Email subject. NO   NULL  
wrapper_id int(11) Email wrapper. YES MUL NULL  
body longtext Notification email body. NO   NULL  


Joins notification email from above with one or more staff user_ids to receive it.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
actionnotification_id int(11) Joins to action notification. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to auth_user. NO MUL NULL  


Records every call action submitted and joins to core_action.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_actions NO PRI NULL  

Other Tables Following The Same Formula

Records every action of the given type submitted and joins to core_action.

Table Description
core_donationaction Records every donation action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_donationupdateaction Records every donationupdate action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_donationcancellationaction Records every donationcancellation action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_importaction Records every import action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_letteraction Records every letter action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_petitionaction Records every petition action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_recurringdonationcancelaction Records every recurringdonationcancel action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_recurringdonationupdateaction Records every recurringdonationupdate action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_redirectaction Records every redirect action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_signupaction Records every signup action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_surveyaction Records every survey action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_unsubscribeaction Records every unsubscribe action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_userupdateaction Records every userupdate action submitted and joins to core_action.
core_whipcountaction Records every whipcount action submitted and joins to core_action.


Identifies which office the user indicated they called (if local offices were shown on the call page).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
callaction_id int(11) Joins to core_action on (core_callaction_targeted.callaction_id= NO MUL NULL  
targetoffice_id int(11) Shows target offices listed for the action. Joins to targetoffice table on (core_callaction_local_office_checked.targetoffice_id= core_targetoffice.targetoffice_id) NO MUL NULL  


Identifies which of the targets displayed on a call page the user indicated they called.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
callaction_id int(11) Joins to core_action. NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11) Joins to core_target. NO MUL NULL  


Identifies who showed as targets for a specific user on a specific call page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
callaction_id int(11) Joins to core_action on (core_callaction_targeted.callaction_id= NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11) Shows targets listed for the action. Joins to target table on (core_callaction_targeted.target_id= core_target.target_id) NO MUL NULL  

Other tables following the same formula

Identifies targets for a specific user on the relevant page type.

Table Description
core_letteraction_targeted Identifies targets for a specific user taking action on a letter page.
core_petitionaction_targeted Identifies targets for a specific user taking action on a petition page.


Records every volunteer moderator signup submitted and joins to core_action as well as the event campaign.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_actions NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Event Campaign ID. Joins to event_campaign. NO PRI NULL  
volunteer_id int(11) ID for a specific volunteer moderator/event campaign combination. Joins to events_campaign_volunteer. NO PRI NULL  


Joins each event creation action in core_action to the event. Also links to the events table.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_action NO PRI NULL  
event_id int(11) Joins to events_event. NO MUL NULL  


Joins each event moderation action in core_action to the event.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_action NO PRI NULL  
event_id int(11) Joins to events_event. NO MUL NULL  
approved_event tinyint(1) 1=yes. NO   NULL  
deleted_event tinyint(1) 1=yes. NO   NULL  


Joins attendee sign up in core_action to sign up record.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_action NO PRI NULL  
signup_id int(11) Joins to events_eventsignup, which includes event_id. NO MUL NULL  


Joins each event moderation volunteer signup in core_action to the event campaign.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_action NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  
volunteer_id int(11) Joins to events_campaignvolunteer. NO MUL NULL  


Joins each LTE action in core_action to the newspaper and includes the letter text. Also includes the users letter.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
action_ptr_id int(11) id for an action submittal; Joins to core_action NO PRI NULL  
subject varchar(80) LTE subject submitted by user. NO   NULL  
letter_text longtext Body of the LTE submitted by user. NO   NULL  
target_id int(11) Joins to core_mediatarget. YES MUL NULL  


Records who was called for each whipcount action and the response recorded by the user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
target_id int(11) joins core_target NO MUL NULL  
whipcountaction_id int(11) joins whipcountaction NO MUL NULL  
response varchar(255) Target position submitted by user. NO   NULL  


A history of actions that looked like spambots, malicious users, or that matched blacklists or whitelists.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
check varchar(255) Check that matched this action. NO      
why text Details of the filter match. NO      
whitelisted tinyint(1) 1=Any spam check unsubscribing or suppressing was prevented because the IP address is whitelisted. NO      
action_id int(11) Unique identifier for user action. NO MUL    
action_status varchar(255) The action status before any filtering was applied. NO      
action_updated_at datetime   NO      
reversed tinyint(1) 1=Filtering applied to this action has been reversed. NO      
reversed_at datetime If the filtering has been reversed, the timestamp of the reversal. YES      

Page Tables

The Page tables define key elements of pages, like goals, advocacy targets, and what the user sees after they submit an action.

The following core page tables are described below:


Custom field created by your group to display text or activate custom code on a particular page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
order_index int(1) Sets the display order for page fields shown on the Basics screen and in the pull down display. NO   NULL  
display_name varchar(255) The display name is shown when selecting a custom field and may be changed in the future. Spaces, punctuation, etc are permitted. NO UNI NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of the custom page field. NO PRI NULL  
always_show tinyint(1) 1=show when creating pages. NO   0  
required tinyint(1) Value must be entered for this field before the page can be saved. NO   NULL  
description longtext Description of custom page field. YES   NULL  
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_default longtext Provide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Values available if the list type is Select From List or Select From List with Other. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate campaigners' input here. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  


ActionKit provided language translations for error messages, form fields, etc.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) The name for this translation. NO UNI NULL  
iso_code varchar(10) Alphanumeric iso code for the language. NO   NULL  
translations long text All provided translations for this language. NO   NULL  


Page id for all pages of type call and page specific attributes (like whether only constituents can take this action).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_callpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
constituents_only_url varchar(200) Fallback page URL - page displayed to non-constituents in lieu of message that the action isn't available where they live. NO   NULL  
allow_local_targetoffices tinyint(1) =1 displays local office phone numbers for federal legislators. NO   NULL  


Joins call page to targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
callpage_id int(11) Joins to core_page and core_callpage. NO MUL NULL  
targetgroup_id int(11) Joins to core_targetgroup. NO MUL NULL  

Other tables following the same formula

Linking page to targets.

Table Description
core_letterpage_target_groups Joins letter page to targets.
core_petitionpage_target_groups Joins petition page to targets.
core_whipcountpage_target_groups Joins whipcount page to targets.


Page ID for all volunteer event moderator signup pages and campaign the page is associated with.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on core_campaignvolunteerpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Campaign of event the volunteer moderator signup page is associated with. Joins to events_campaign. NO   NULL  


Page id for all pages of type donation and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Unique identifier to core_page. NO PRI NULL  
minimum_amount decimal(10,2) Minimum donation amount. NO NULL    
payment_account varchar(255) Merchant vendor account used for this page. NO NULL    
hpc_rule_id int(11) Joins to core_donation_hpc_rule. YES MUL NULL  
allow_international tinyint(1) 1=Accept international donations. NO NULL    
filtering_for_web_id int(11) Values for fraud filter are "Default for users from mailings", "Default for users from web", and "None". YES MUL NULL  
filtering_for_mailings_id int(11) Values for fraud filter are "Default for users from mailings", "Default for users from web", and "None". YES MUL NULL  
use_account_switcher tinyint(1) 1=Currency switcher is added to donation page display. YES      
paypal_account varchar(255) Paypal account used for this page. YES      
paypal_user_requirements varchar(255) 'none'=no user data required. email=email required, all=name, email, and address required. NO   'none'  
accept_ach tinyint(1) 1=ACH Direct Debit is added to donation page display NO   NULL  


Page id for all pages of type Cancel Recurring Donation and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_donationcancellationpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  


Page id for all pages of type Update Rcurring Donation and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_donationupdatepage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  


Joins event campaign to the event creation page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_eventcreatepage.page_ptr_id = NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  
campaign_title varchar(255) Title of campaign. YES      


Joins event signup to the event campaign.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins on core_eventsignuppage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  


Joins event moderation page to the event campaign.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins on core_eventmoderatepage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  


Default fields available for inclusion in forms (name, state, etc.)

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Name of field. NO UNI NULL  


Logs every immediate delivery sent. Joins to core_action.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) Email or link to webform if no email YES MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Unique identifier for user action. YES MUL NULL  


Used to generate message to switch to bulk delivery to admin if immediate delivery limit is exceeded.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) Email or link to webform if no email YES MUL NULL  


Page id for all pages of type import and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_importpage.page_ptr_id = NO PRI NULL  
subscribe tinyint(1) 1=subscribe users to list selected. YES   1  
subscribe_if_new tinyint(1) 1=subscribe users to list selected only if they are new to database YES   0  
default_source varchar(255) The default value for the user source if a value is not specified for the row in the import file. YES   NULL  
unsubscribe_all tinyint(1) 1=unsubscribe users from all lists. YES   0  
unsubscribe tinyint(1) 1=unsubscribe user from list selected. YES   0  
privacy_notes_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
custom_privacy_notes longtext   NO   NULL  
texting_subscribe tinyint(1) 1=subscribe users to texting list selected NO   0  
texting_list_id int(11) id of the texting list that texting users will be subscribed to YES   NULL  
texting_match tinyint(1) 1=try to match imported texting_address to existing user phones NO   0  
texting_match_phone_max_age int(11) maximum age (in days) after which a user's phone number is considered too unreliable for a match NO   365  
texting_match_name varchar(20) May be "exact", "fuzzy", or "none" (str) indicating minimum match quality required NO   "fuzzy"  
texting_match_location tinyint(1) 1=require location match; either zip, or city AND state NO   1  


Name of language and error translations you've entered for any additional languages (aside from English).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of language (ex. "Spanish") NO UNI NULL  
translations longtext Translations of error and other messages as a single text blob. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
iso_code varchar(10) iso code for the language. YES      
inherit_from_id tinyint(4) Built in phrases are available for English, French, and Portuguese YES   NULL  
ordering int(11) Order for the Language picker, 0=English. YES   0  


Page id for all pages of type letter and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_letterpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
send_immediate_fax tinyint(4) Binary for enabled immediate fax. YES   0  
send_immediate_email tinyint(4) 1=send letter immediately as email (if available). YES   0  
send_immediate_email_override_limit tinyint(1) 1=you requestsed and received an override of the daily email delivery limit for this page. NO   NULL  
immediate_email_subject text Subject text. YES   NULL  
delivery_template text Email/fax text YES   NULL  
email_mode int(11)   YES   NULL  
remind_me_set_up_batch_delivery tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
immediate_email_subject text   YES   NULL  
delivery_template text   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_from_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
batch_delivery_subject varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_template longtext   YES   NULL  
batch_petitiondeliveryjob_id int(11)   YES   NULL  
send_immediate_email_delivery_blocked_at datetime   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_threshold int(11)   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_minimum int(11)   NO      
send_via_cwc tinyint(1)   YES   NULL  
cwc_topic varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
cwc_statement text   YES   NULL  
cwc_subject varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Page id for all pages of type letter to the editor and page specific attributes such as selections made during set up for types of papers and whether to show phone number.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_callpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
national_newspapers tinyint(1) 1=show national newspapers NO   NULL  
regional_newspapers tinyint(1) 1=show regional newspapers NO   NULL  
local_newspapers tinyint(1) 1=show local newspapers NO   NULL  
show_phones tinyint(1) 1=show newspaper phone number NO   NULL  
signature_template_id int(11) Template used for users LTE signature. Join to core_signaturetemplate. NO MUL 1  


Join translations of a page together for reporting and for your end users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Campaign name. NO UNI NULL  


Unique id for each page and basic info including name, goal, page type.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
title varchar(255) Shows to the end user as the header for the page NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Generally part of the URL for the page NO UNI NULL  
notes varchar(255) Notes field for internal use. YES      
hosted_with_id int(11) AK or outside webserver NO MUL NULL  
url varchar(255) Not currently in use. NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) page type (petition, call, etc.) NO MUL NULL  
lang_id int(11) Specifies language when not English. Joins to core_language. YES MUL NULL  
multilingual_campaign_id int(11) Points to a row in core_multilingualcampaign if used. Used for grouping pages that hold different translations of the same basic campaign. YES MUL NULL  
goal int(11) optional numeric goal displays progress meter to end user YES   NULL  
goal_type varchar(255) actions taken or dollars raised NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) identifies model pages NO MUL NULL  
list_id int(11) shows list a user will be subscribed to after taking action on this page NO MUL NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=yes, page is hidden NO MUL NULL  
allow_multiple_responses tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   1  
real_actions tinyint(1) 1=include in reports of member actions. NO   0  
recognize varchar(255) Set this page to recognize users based on AKID: always, never or once. NO   once  
never_spam_check tinyint(1) 1=do not treat actions on this page as potential spam. NO   0  


Fields required for the user to submit the given page, selected from the formfields above.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for page/ required fields combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
page_id int(11) Identifies the page. Joins on (core_page_required_fields.page_id = NO MUL NULL  
formfield_id int(11) Identifies the required field. Joins on (core_page_required_fields. formfield_id= NO MUL NULL  


Associates a page with a tag or tags.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Identifies the tag. Joins to core_tag. NO MUL NULL  


Associates a page with one or more groups.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
usergroup_id int(11) Identifies the user group. Joins to core_usergroup. NO MUL NULL  


Shows the fields you selected as required on the Action Basics screen when creating the page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for page/ visible fields combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
page_id int(11) Identifies the page. Joins on (core_page_visible_fields.page_id = NO MUL NULL  
formfield_id int(11) Identifies the visible field. Joins on (core_page_visible_fields.formfield_id = NO MUL NULL  


Page and page field value.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this content on this page. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) ID for the page. Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL
name varchar(255) Name of field. Same name as in core_allowedpagefield. NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Text to be displayed or code to be activated by this field. NO   NULL  


Landing page, confirmation email, TAF and sharing for all pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO UNI NULL  
send_email tinyint(1) Determines whether a confirmation email is sent. Yes=1. NO   NULL  
url varchar(255) After-action landing page. NO   NULL  
email_wrapper_id int(11) Used in confirmation email. Joins to core_emailwrapper. YES MUL NULL  
email_from_line_id int(11) Used in confirmation email. Joins to core_fromline. YES MUL NULL  
email_custom_from varchar(255) "From" line for this confirmation email only. NO   NULL  
email_subject varchar(255) After-action confirmation email subject. NO   NULL  
email_body longtext After-action confirmation email content. NO   NULL  
send_taf tinyint(1) Determines whether the email TAF widget displays on the thank you page. Yes=1. NO   NULL  
taf_subject varchar(255) Default TAF email subject line (user can edit) NO   NULL  
taf_body longtext Default TAF email content (user cannot edit) NO   NULL  
share_title varchar(255) Customized title for sharing YES   NULL  
share_description varchar(1024) Customized description for sharing YES   NULL  
share_image varchar(1024) Customized image URL for sharing YES   NULL  
twitter_message longtext Customized Twitter message for sharing YES   NULL  
send_notifications tinyint(1) Yes=1. NO   NULL  
send_pushes tinyint(1) Send API Push notifications NO   NULL  
send_texts tinyint(1) Send confirmation text messages NO   NULL  
confirmation_text_id int(11) Join to texting_afteractionmessage YES MUL NULL  


Joins the page followup to the notification.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
pagefollowup_id int(11) Joins to page follow up. NO MUL NULL  
actionnotification_id int(11) Joins to notifications. NO MUL NULL  


Defines the content, delivery options, and appearance for each delivery job.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
single_file tinyint(1) Not currently in use. NO   NULL  
cover_html longtext Cover page text and html. NO   NULL  
print_template_id int(11) Joins to core_printtemplate. Template for cover page and petitions NO MUL NULL  
header_content longtext Header NO   NULL  
footer_content longtext Footer NO   NULL  
allow_pdf_download tinyint(1) 1=yes YES   0  
allow_csv_download tinyint(1) 1=yes YES   0  
template_set_id int(11) Joins to cms_templateset. Defines the appearance of the pick up website. YES MUL NULL  
limit_delivery tinyint(1) Limit to only certain targets. NO   0  
all_to_all tinyint(1) Deliver all signatures to all targets. YES   0  
include_prefix_in_csv tinyint(1) Display name prefix for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_first_name_in_csv tinyint(1) Display first name for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_middle_name_in_csv tinyint(1) Display middle name for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_last_name_in_csv tinyint(1) Display last name for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_suffix_in_csv tinyint(1) Display name suffix for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_email_in_csv tinyint(1) Display email addresses for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_phone_in_csv tinyint(1) Display phone number for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_address1_in_csv tinyint(1) Display street addresses for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_address2_in_csv tinyint(1) Display address2 for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_city_in_csv tinyint(1) Display city for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_state_in_csv tinyint(1) Display state for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_zip_in_csv tinyint(1) Display zip codes for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_region_in_csv tinyint(1) Display region for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_postal_in_csv tinyint(1) Display postal for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_country_in_csv tinyint(1) Display country for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
include_comment_in_csv tinyint(1) Display signature comment for users who signed in CSV. NO   NULL  
date_from date Only include signatures after this date. YES   NULL  
ldate_to date Only include signatures before this date. YES   NULL  


Joins the job to the page(s) to be delivered.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
petitiondeliveryjob_id int(11) Joins to core_petitiondeliveryjob. NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  


Used to limit delivery to a subset of page targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each job and target group combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
petitiondeliveryjob_id int(11) Joins to core_petitiondeliveryjob. NO MUL NULL  
targetgroup_id int(11) Joins to core_targetgroup. NO   NULL  


Page ID for all pages of type Petition and page specific attributes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_petitionpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
send_immediate_fax tinyint(4) 1=send fax immediately upon user signature (when available) YES      
send_immediate_email tinyint(4) 1=send email to target immediately upon user signature (when available) YES      
send_immediate_email_override_limit tinyint(1) 1=you requested and received an override on the daily email delivery limit for this page NO   NULL  
email_mode int(11) Description needed. YES   NULL  
remind_me_set_up_batch_delivery tinyint(1) 1=YES NO   NULL  
immediate_email_subject text Subject text for immediate email delivery. YES   NULL  
delivery_template text Text for email or fax YES   NULL  
one_click tinyint(1) 1=Enable one click signing NO   NULL  
batch_delivery_from_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
batch_delivery_subject varchar(255) Subject line for batch delivery. YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_template longtext   YES   NULL  
batch_petitiondeliveryjob_id int(11)   YES   NULL  
send_immediate_email_delivery_blocked_at datetime   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_threshold int(11)   YES   NULL  
batch_delivery_minimum int(11)   NO      
send_via_cwc tinyint(1) 1=Delivery via CWC. YES   NULL  
cwc_topic varchar(255) Topic selected for CWC delivery for this page. YES   NULL  
cwc_statement text   YES   NULL  
cwc_subject varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Defines the appearance of the cover letter and signature pages for delivery jobs.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Template name. NO UNI NULL  
header_html longtext Template header appearance. NO   NULL  
template longtext Body html. NO   NULL  
footer_html longtext Footer appearance. NO   NULL  
font_family varchar(255) Text font. NO   NULL  
font_size double Font size. NO   NULL  
logo_URL varchar(200) Logo to include in the header. NO   NULL  
page_size varchar(255) Letter or A4 NO   NULL  
margin_units varchar(255) Inches or millimeters NO   NULL  
margin_top double Margin for body text. NO   NULL  
margin_bottom double Margin for body text. NO   NULL  
margin_left double Margin for body text. NO   NULL  
margin_right double Margin for body text. NO   NULL  
readonly tinyint(1) 1 = makes template readonly. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1 = makes template hidden. NO   NULL  


Pointer to page id for all pages of type cancel recurring donation.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_recurringdonationcancelpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  


Pointer to page id for all pages of type update recurring donation.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_recurringdonationupdatepage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  
minimum_amount decimal(10,2) Minimum accepted donation amount. NO   NULL  


Template for user signature for LTEs.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Name of signature template. NO UNI NULL  
is_default tinyint(4) =1 if this templateset is to be selected by default during page creation YES   0  
template longtext format for displaying user info to newspapers. NO   NULL  


Pointer to page id for all pages of type Signup.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on ( NO PRI NULL  


Pointer to page id for all pages of type Survey.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on ( NO PRI NULL  


Word or phrase which can be used to associate pages or emails with a campaign or issue.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Tag name. NO UNI NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
times_used int(11) Used to display most used on top. YES   NULL  
order_index int(11) Used to retain tag order if you change the default order on the tags screen. NO   NULL  


Pointer to page id for all tell-a-friend pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_tellafriendpage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  


Pointer to page id for all unsubscribe pages and user in mail wrapper flag.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_unsubscribepage.page_ptr_id = NO PRI NULL  
use_in_mail_wrapper tinyint(1) 1=default unsubscribe page; always used in email wrappers unless you overwrite manually in the wrapper. NO   NULL  


Pointer to page id for all user update pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_page on (core_userupdatepage.page_ptr_id= NO PRI NULL  


Pointer to page id for all whipcount pages

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
page_ptr_id int(11)   NO PRI NULL  


Pointer to page id for all whipcount followup pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
pagefollowup_ptr_id int(11)   NO PRI NULL  

Target tables

The Target tables relate to advocacy targets for call, whipcount, letter and petition page types and to media targets for Letters-to-the-Editor.

The following core target tables are described below:


Unique geographic area defined by a spatial file or a handdrawn boundary. Can be associated with a custom target.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
group_id int(11) Unique identifier. NO MUL NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Name of the specific boundary (e.g. school district 6). NO   NULL  
geometry multipolygon Description needed. NO MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  


A group of boundaries of the same type (e.g. School District #23 boundary might belong to the Madison School District group).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Name of the boundary group. NO UNI NULL  
description longtext Optional description for the group. YES   NULL  


Indicates whether the congressional group includes Republicans, Democrats, and/or Independents.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
targetgroup_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_targetgroup, which defines the legislative body, on ( NO PRI NULL  
include_republicans tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   NULL  
include_democrats tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   NULL  
include_independents tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   NULL  
states longtext contains list of states included in group. default is all states. NO   NULL  


Individuals excluded from the congress target group above.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
congresstargetgroup_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Individual legislators targeted (used when you pick specific individuals versus targeting by body and party).

Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
congresstargetgroup_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Log of all successful constituent deliveries via the Communicating With Congress integration.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
target_id int(11) Joins to core_target. NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action. NO MUL NULL  
cwc_delivery_id varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Contact and circulation data for newspapers for LTEs.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
address1 varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
region varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
postal varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
zip varchar(5) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
plus4 varchar(4) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
country varchar(255) Newspaper address. NO   NULL  
longitude double Newspaper longitude. YES   NULL  
latitude double Newspaper latitude. YES   NULL  
orgid int(11) Paper identifier. YES   NULL  
name varchar(255) Reporter name. NO   NULL  
phone varchar(255) Reporter phone. YES   NULL  
fax varchar(255) Reporter fax. YES   NULL  
email_address varchar(255) Reporter email. YES   NULL  
website_url varchar(255) Newspaper website. YES   NULL  
circulation int(11) Circulation size. YES   NULL  
frequency varchar(36) Daily, weekly, etc. YES   NULL  
language varchar(64) Newspaper language. YES   NULL  
levelcode varchar(64) Local, regional, national. YES   NULL  
dmacode varchar(10) Designated Market Area code. YES   NULL  
fipscode int(11) Standardized geographic area codes (state, county, etc.) YES   NULL  
msacode int(11) Metropolitan Statistical Area identifier. YES   NULL  


Used to redistribute signatures after a targeting change.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to advocacy page with changed targeting. NO UNI NULL  
targets_representation longtext Need description. NO   NULL  


Custom targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
target_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_target on ( core_specialtarget.target_ptr_id) NO PRI    
body_id int(11) Defines the group to which the custom target belongs. Joins to core_targetgroup. NO MUL    
boundary_id int(11) Joins to YES   NULL  


A group of custom targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
targetgroup_ptr_id int(11) Identifies group. Joins to core_targetgroup. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
jurisdiction varchar(50) All, state or country. NO   all  
custom_boundaries_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  


International targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
target_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_target on ( NO PRI    
body_id varchar(255) Identifies the political body to which the target belongs. NO MUL    
person_id varchar(255) Unique external person id. NO MUL    
division_id varchar(255) Id of the division (political geography) this target belongs to. NO MUL    


A group of international targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
targetgroup_ptr_id int(11) Identifies group. Joins to core_targetgroup. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
body_id varchar(255) Identifies the political body to which the target belongs. NO      


Contact information for the president, House and Senate members, and delegates, plus any custom targets you have added.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) house or senate NO MUL NULL  
seat varchar(255) Only available for Senate seat. NO MUL NULL  
country varchar(255) Designated target's country. NO MUL NULL  
state varchar(255) Designated target's state. NO MUL NULL  
city varchar(255) Designated target's city. NO MUL NULL  
region varchar(255) Designated target's region. NO MUL NULL  
county varchar(255) Designated target's county. NO MUL NULL  
us_district varchar(255) Only pertains to House member target's districts. NO MUL NULL  
title varchar(255) Target's title NO   NULL  
long_title varchar(255) Target's title NO   NULL  
first varchar(255) Target's given first name. NO   NULL  
last varchar(255) Target's last name. NO   NULL  
official_full varchar(255) Full name of target using nickname if available otherwise given name. Only available for some target types. NO   NULL  
nickname varchar(255) Nickname if different than given name (e.g. Bernie instead of Bernard). Only available for some target types. NO   NULL  
phone varchar(255) Target's phone number. NO   NULL  
fax varchar(255) Target's fax number. NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) Email or link to webform if no email NO   NULL  
gender varchar(1) Target's preferred gender pronouns. Value is null for They/Them/Theirs; M for He/Him/His; or F for She/Her/Hers. NO   NULL  
party varchar(255) Target's party affiliation. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) =1 is hidden NO   0  
district_name varchar(255)   NO MUL NULL  
twitter varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
twitter_id varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
facebook varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
facebook_id varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
youtube varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
youtube_id varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
instagram varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
instagram_id varchar(255)   YES   NULL  

Note: we cannot expose the email details of representatives, so the email field is sometimes listed as Behind the scenes, there is a lookup for the real email address of the representative when a query that includes it is used in targeting.


Groups of targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this group of targets NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of group. For example, U.S. House is all house members. NO UNI NULL  
type varchar(255) House, senate or other. NO MUL NULL  
readonly tinyint(1) 1=true NO   0  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  


District offices for congressional targets.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
target_id int(11) Joins to core_target on ( core_targetoffice.target_id) NO MUL NULL  
type varchar(255) house or senate NO MUL NULL  
address1 varchar(255) Address of office. NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) Address of office. NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Office name NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) Office location city NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) Office location state NO   NULL  
zip varchar(255) Office location zip NO   NULL  
phone varchar(255) Office phone number. NO   NULL  
fax varchar(255) Office fax number. NO   NULL  
is_current tinyint(1) 1=true. 0=old office info. NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
letterpage_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
targetgroup_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
petitionpage_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
targetgroup_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  

Event tables

The Event tables relate to event pages and actions.

The following core event tables are described below:


Settings for a particular events campaign.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
title varchar(255) Campaign title--used on event creation pages. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Campaign name -- used in the URL. NO UNI NULL  
public_create_page tinyint(1) 0=only staff can create events; 1=public can create events NO   NULL  
use_title tinyint(1) 0=use the title in this table; 1=allow hosts to set a title for their own event NO   NULL  
starts_at datetime Default event date and time. YES   NULL  
use_start_date tinyint(1) 0=use default date; 1=allow hosts to pick date NO   NULL  
use_start_time tinyint(1) 0=use default time; 1=allow hosts to pick time NO   NULL  
require_staff_approval tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
require_email_confirmation tinyint(1) not in use NO   NULL  
allow_private tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
max_event_size int(11) Max event size a host can enter for their event. YES   NULL  
default_event_size int(11) Default size pre-filled on event creation page. YES   NULL  
public_search_page tinyint(1) Not in use. NO   NULL  
show_title tinyint(1) 0=display default title on search page; 1=display host provided title on search page NO   NULL  
show_venue tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
show_address1 tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
show_city tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
show_state tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
show_zip tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
show_public_description tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=show host provided description if available NO   NULL  
show_directions tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=show host provided directions if available NO   NULL  
show_attendee_count tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
default_title varchar(255) Not in use. No      
hidden tinyint(1) 1=yes, campaign is hidden     0  
show_completed_events tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes No   0  
show_full_events tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes No   0  
mode_onsite tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes No   1  
mode_local tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes No   0  
mode_global tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes No   0  


Record of each volunteer moderator signup and their status.

Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  
is_approved tinyint(1) Staff approval status. 1=approved. NO   NULL  
status varchar(32) Description needed NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
body longtext Copy of the email body text sent. NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
from_type varchar(32) ADD NO   NULL  
to_type varchar(32) ADD NO   NULL  
event_id int(11) Joins to events_event. NO MUL NULL  
from_user_id int(11) Description needed YES MUL NULL  
from_admin_id int(11) Description needed YES MUL NULL  
user_written_subject longtext Description needed YES   NULL  
body_id int(11) Joins to events_emailbodylog. NO MUL NULL  


Joins the email from the log to the recipient.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
emaillog_id int(11) Joins to events_emaillog. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  


Selections made by host for their event.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
address1 varchar(255) Event address. NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) Event address. NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) Event address. NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) Event address. NO MUL NULL  
us_district varchar(5) Event address. NO MUL NULL  
us_county varchar(24) Event address.   MUL NULL  
region varchar(255) International events only. NO   NULL  
postal varchar(255) International events only. NO   NULL  
zip varchar(5) Event address. NO MUL NULL  
plus4 varchar(4) Event address. NO   NULL  
country varchar(255) MUL NO   NULL  
longitude double Event address. YES   NULL  
latitude double Event address. YES   NULL  
campaign_id int(11) Joins to events_campaign. NO MUL NULL  
title varchar(255) Host-provided event title. NO MUL NULL  
creator_id int(11) User_id of person who created the event. NO MUL NULL  
starts_at datetime Host-provided start time in the event's local time. YES   NULL  
ends_at datetime Not in use. YES   NULL  
status varchar(32) active, cancelled, deleted NO   NULL  
host_is_confirmed tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
is_private tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
is_approved tinyint(1) 0=no; 1=yes NO   NULL  
attendee_count int(11) Current count. NO   NULL  
max_attendees int(11) Host-provided event max. YES   NULL  
venue varchar(255) Host-provided venue. NO   NULL  
phone varchar(255) Host phone. NO   NULL  
public_description longtext Description host provides of the event. NO   NULL  
directions longtext Directions if provided by host. NO   NULL  
note_to_attendees longtext Note from host to display on attendee tools page if provided. NO   NULL  
notes longtext Any notes entered by staff through the event admin. NO   NULL  
mode varchar(32) Event type: onsite, local, or global. NO   onsite  
starts_at_utc datetime Host-provided start time in UTC. YES   NULL  
ends_at_utc datetime Not in use. YES   NULL  
timezone varchar(255) Event timezone. YES   NULL  
confirmed_at datetime Date/time of event confirmation. YES   NULL  
approved_at datetime Date/time of event approval. YES   NULL  
merged_to_id int(11) ID of event merged to. YES   NULL  


Custom event field -- host page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) Joins to events_event. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of custom event field. NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Value entered by host. NO   NULL  


Record of each sign up, including role.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
event_id int(11) Joins to events_event. NO MUL NULL  
role varchar(32) Attendee or host. NO   NULL  
status varchar(32) Active, deleted or cancelled. NO   NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO   0  
attended tinyint(1) Binary, 1=YES. YES   0  


Custom event field -- attendee page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) Joins to events_eventsignup. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of custom event field. NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Value entered by attendee. NO   NULL  


This stores previous versions of an event. Joins to events_event.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
history_id int(11) Unique identifier of the event's history record. Not to be confused with id, the unique identifier of the event. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
history_date datetime Date/time this event was updated, and this history record was saved as a result NO   NULL  
history_change_reason varchar(100) For internal use only. NO   NULL  


This associates a collection of custom event emails to a page. Joins to core_page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
page_id int(11) Which page is associated with this group of custom emails. Joins to core_page. NO UNIQUE NULL  


Allows customizing an event's emails, like event approval and cancellation emails. Joins to events_customemailgroup.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
group_id int(11) Which custom email group is associated with this custom email. Joins to events_customemailgroup. NO   NULL  
email_subject longtext Customizes the email subject associated with this email, or leave blank to use what's in this page's templateset. NO   NULL  
email_body longtext Customizes the email body associated with this email, or leave blank to use what's in this page's templateset. NO   NULL  
email_body varchar(50) Which type of event email should this customize? Must match the filename of the templateset; use one of: event_email_approved.html, event_email_from_admin.html, event_email_from_attendee.html, event_email_from_host.html, event_email_from_moderator.html, event_email_cancelled.html, event_email_attendee_removed.html, event_email_role_changed.html, event_email_details_changed.html, event_email_volunteer_approved.html. NO   NULL  

Donation tables

The Donation table relate to donations and products to be used in donation page types.

The following core donation tables are described below:


Additional data from (empty unless they are your vendor).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
source varchar(255) Description needed. NO   NULL  
raw longtext Description needed. NO   NULL  
processed tinyint(1) Description needed. NO MUL NULL  


Candidates for use in bundling on donation pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for candidate. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Candidate name for display, includes titles. NO UNI NULL  
fec_id varchar(16) Candidate's FEC ID. YES UNI NULL  
portrait_url varchar(255) URL of candidate photo for inclusion on page. NO   NULL  
description longtext Text about candidate. NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) values are active candidate or inactive candidate. NO   NULL  
is_ours tinyint(1) Used to indicate that this candidate/entity should be considered "yours", not an external candidate/entity. This is used to filter contributions in some reports. NO MUL NULL  


Tags associated with a candidate.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for candidate, tag combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
candidate_id int(11) Joins to core_candidate. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Joins to core_tag. NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
change_type varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
action_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
order_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
recurring_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
transaction_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
new_amount decimal(10   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
staff_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  


Name and timestamps for each set of rules for suggested ask amounts based on HPC (Highest Previous Contribution), 2nd highest contribution, and average.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of this Suggested Ask Formula. NO UNI NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
which_amount varchar(255) values are "Highest Donation", "Second Highest Donation", "Average Donation", and "Most Recent". NO   highest  
timespan varchar(255) values are "to the begining (default)", "6 months", "12 months", and "24 months". NO   all  
currency varchar(3) Currency used for this Suggested Ask Formula. No   USD  


Thresholds and ask amounts for each set of Suggestion Ask Rules.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
rule_id int(11) Identifies which rule set this threshold and ask belong to. Joins to core_donation_hpc_rule. NO MUL NULL  
threshold varchar(10) Amount, above the previous threshold, up to which the ask applies. NO   NULL  
ask varchar(10) Ask amount to be displayed for up to this threshold. NO   NULL  


Joins tags you've selected for exclusion from suggested ask rules with the rule.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
donationhpcrule_id int(11) Unique identifier for hpc rule. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Unique identifier for tag. NO MUL NULL  


MaxMind anti-fraud settings which apply if you enable this.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) =1 means this filter is hidden. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) The name of the fraud filter NO UNI NULL  
check_maxmind tinyint(1) =1 enables maxmind. NO   NULL  
maxmind_threshold int(11) Integer representing percentage of allowable chance of donation fraud. NO   NULL  
whitelist_where longtext Description needed. NO   NULL  
blacklist_where longtext Description needed. NO   NULL  
is_default_for_mailings tinyint(1) =1 is default for mailings NO NULL  
is_default_for_web tinyint(1) =1 is default for web NO NULL  
message longtext Message displayed to user if fraud is detected. NO NULL  


Joins donation page to product.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this combination of page and product(s). NO PRI NULL auto_increment
donationpage_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
product_id int(11) Joins to core_product. NO MUL NULL  

Tables following the same formula

Table Description
core_donationpage_candidates Joins donation page to candidate.


Information about donations and/or product orders made by a user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Shows the action associated with this order. Joins to core_action. NO UNI NULL  
user_id int(11) Shows the user who made this order. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
user_detail_id int(11) Joins to core_order_user_detail. NO MUL NULL  
shipping_address_id int(11) Where a shipping address was given, joins to core_order_shipping_address. YES MUL NULL auto_increment
total decimal(10,2) Total of donations and products. NO   NULL  
total_converted decimal(10,2) Total of donations and products, converted to USD NO   NULL  
currency varchar(3) Currency code. NO   USD  
status varchar(255) Shows if the order was completed or if it failed. NO   NULL  
card_num_last_four varchar(4) Last four digits of credit card YES   NULL  
import_id varchar(64) identifier you specify in your CSV for imported donations YES MUL NULL  
account varchar(255) name of the merchant vendor account for this order YES   NULL  
payment_method varchar(255) "cc" for creditcard, or "paypal" NO   cc  


Quantity and amount of products ordered by a user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
order_id int(11) Joins to core_order. NO MUL NULL  
product_id int(11) Joins to core_product. YES MUL NULL  
quantity int(11) Number of the product ordered by the user. NO   NULL  
amount decimal(10,2) Total for products only (not including any additional donation). NO   NULL  
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Total for products only approximately converted into USD. NO   0.00  
candidate_id int(11) Joins to core_candidate. YES MUL NULL  
currency varchar(3) Currency used for this order. No   USD  


Shipping address for orders of shippable products.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
address1 varchar(255) Shipping address line 1. NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) Shipping address line 2. NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) Shipping city. NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) Shipping state. NO   NULL  
region varchar(255) International region. NO   NULL  
postal varchar(255) Postal code for international shipping. NO   NULL  
zip varchar(5) Shipping zip. NO MUL NULL  
plus4 varchar(4) Zip code plus 4. NO   NULL  
country varchar(255) Shipping country. NO   NULL  


Billing information for user and source of action. Billing address is the last saved address for the order. Updates to the billing address for a recurring profile made by the user or an admin will overwrite the previously saved billing address in this table.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) User email address for this donation. NO MUL NULL  
prefix varchar(255) User name prefix. NO   NULL  
first_name varchar(255) User first name. NO   NULL  
middle_name varchar(255) User middle name. NO   NULL  
last_name varchar(255) User last name. NO   NULL  
suffix varchar(255) User name suffix. NO   NULL  
address1 varchar(255) User address NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) User address NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) User city NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) User state NO   NULL  
region varchar(255) International user region. NO   NULL  
postal varchar(255) International user postal code. NO   NULL  
zip varchar(5) User zip code. NO MUL NULL  
plus4 varchar(4) User zip plus 4 digit code. NO   NULL  
country varchar(255) User country. NO   NULL  
source varchar(255) Source of the action. Matches the source shown for this action in core_action. NO MUL NULL  


Information about recurring donation commitments made by a user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
order_id int(11) Joins to core_order. NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action with the most recent action ID that created or updated the order. NO MUL NULL  
exp_date varchar(6) Credit card expiration date. NO   NULL  
card_num varchar(4) Last 4 digits. NO   NULL  
recurring_id varchar(255) the profile or subscription ID with the payment gateway YES   NULL  
account varchar(255) Name of your vendor/account. See "Payment account" dropdown when you create a donation page. YES   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
start date Recurring billing start date. This is not the date of the first payment for this profile, it's the date of the first automatically processed payment. Query core_transaction to find the first payment date. NO   NULL  
period varchar(255) months, weeks, years, quarters NO   NULL  
amount decimal(10,2) Recurring payment amount. NO   NULL  
currency varchar(3) The original currency for the transaction. NO   USD  
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Recurring payment amount approximately converted into USD. NO   0.00  
status varchar(255)
  • active
  • canceled_by_admin
  • canceled_by_expired
  • canceled_by_failure
  • canceled_by_processor
  • canceled_by_user
  • disabled
  • failed
  • pending
  • past_due


Configuration information for payment accounts

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Payment account name NO UNI NULL  
processor varchar(255) Payment processor NO   NULL  
auth longtext Processor authentication information (encrypted) NO   NULL  
extra json Additional configuration information specific to the processor NO   {}  


Name, price and other key information for products to be used on donation pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Product name. NO UNI NULL  
description longtext Description of product. NO   NULL  
price decimal(10,2) Price for product. Can be 0. NO   NULL  
currency varchar(3) The original currency for the transaction. NO   USD  
shippable tinyint(1) If the product is shippable (value=1), AK will ask for the user's shipping address. NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) Active or inactive. NO   NULL  
maximum_order int(11) The maximum number of this product an end user can order. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
admin_name varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Associates a product with a tag or tags.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
product_id int(11) Joins to core_product. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Joins to core_tag. NO MUL NULL  


Transactions are created for every donation processed through ActionKit.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) recurring_order_cancel, recurring_order_create,recurring_order_update, or sale NO MUL NULL  
order_id int(11) Joins to core_order. NO MUL NULL  
account varchar(255) Merchant account vendor. Payflow Pro, Braintree or NO   NULL  
amount decimal(10,2) Payment total. NO   NULL  
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Payment total approximately converted to USD. NO   0.00  
test_mode tinyint(1) not in use NO   NULL  
success tinyint(1) 1=yes NO   NULL  
trans_id varchar(255) ID of transaction with the merchant account vendor. YES   NULL  
failure_description varchar(255) If the transaction failed, explains why. NO   NULL  
failure_code int(11) Vendor provided failure code. YES   NULL  
failure_message varchar(255) More detail about why the transaction failed. NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) Completed, failed or reversed. NO   NULL  
currency varchar(3) The original currency for the transaction. NO   USD  
ref_transaction_id int(11) For refunds or credits this is a reference to the original transaction. YES      

Mailing Tables

Related to mailings created and sent from the mailings tab.

The following core mailing tables are described below:


Field created by your group to customize settings in your email wrapper. Similar to templateset fields, but for email wrappers.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Unique name NO PRI NULL  
always_show tinyint(1) 1 = shows this custom mailing field when creating wrappers. NO 1=show NULL  
display_name varchar(255) The display name is shown when selecting a custom field and may be changed in the future. Spaces, punctuation, etc are permitted. NO UNI NULL  
order_index int(1) Sets the order of display on the Create screen for email wrapper fields. NO   NULL  
description longtext Description of custom email wrapper field. YES      
field_default longtext Provide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Values available if the list type is Select From List or Select From List with Other. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate input here. NO   NULL  
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  
required tinyint(1) A value must be entered for this field before the email wrapper can be saved. NO   NULL  


Field created by your group to customize settings in your mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Unique name NO PRI NULL  
always_show tinyint(1) 1 = shows this custom mailing field when creating mailings. NO 1=show NULL  
display_name varchar(255) The display name is shown when selecting a custom field and may be changed in the future. Spaces, punctuation, etc are permitted. NO UNI NULL  
order_index int(1) Sets the order of display on the Create screen for mailing fields that are not used in the wrapper and in the pull down display. NO   NULL  
description longtext Description of custom mailing field. YES      
field_default longtext Provide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Values available if the list type is Select From List or Select From List with Other. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate campaigners' input here. NO   NULL  
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  
required tinyint(1) A value must be entered for this field before the mailing can be saved. NO   NULL  


List of email domains to suppress from bulk and transactional mailings.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
domain varchar(255) Domain to be suppressed. NO UNI NULL  


List of email addresses to suppress from bulk and transactional mailings.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) Email address to be suppressed. NO UNI NULL  


Log of all email addresses that were suppressed from bulk or transactional mailings, along with mailing_id or action_id if available.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) Email address that was suppressed. NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. YES   NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action. YES   NULL  
matched_email tinyint(1) 1=matched an email address in core_blackholedemail. NO NULL  
matched_domain tinyint(1) 1=matched a domain in core_blackholeddomain. NO NULL  


User and mailing id for all hard bounces. Bounced users are unsubscribed.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action. YES MUL NULL  
timestamp timestamp Time of the bounce. NO   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
bounce_type varchar(6) "bounce" or "shared" YES   bounce  
bounce_class int(11) Sparkpost bounce classification code YES   NULL  


User and mailing id for soft bounces that get recorded by ActionKit.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action. YES MUL NULL  
bounce_class int(11) Sparkpost bounce classification code YES   NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  


Tracks clicks to a page. Only clicks with a mailing_id are associated with a mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
clickurl_id int(11) Pulls in the url. Joins to core_clickurl on (core_click.clickurl_id= NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) User who clicked the link. YES MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Email with the link the user clicked. Joins on (core_click.mailing_id= YES MUL NULL  
link_number int(11) Describes which link in the email the user clicked. YES   NULL  
source varchar(255) The source value from the mailing link YES MUL NULL  
referring_user_id int(11) User_id of referrer, if the source of this action was TAF YES   NULL  
created_at timestamp   NO   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  
id bigint(20) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
useragent_id int(11) ADD YES   NULL  


As core_click, but tracks clicks to a page, which includes real clicks and those believed to be created by software or email providers hiding actual user activity. Only clicks with a mailing_id are associated with a mailing. Raw clicks older than 90 days are deleted automatically.


Relates url for click tracking to the page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
url varchar(255) Url for links in a mailing. NO UNI NULL  
page_id int(11) Page associated with that URL. Joins on (core_clickurl.page_id= YES MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  


Other domains you control and for which links in emails should be tracked as ActionKit domains.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
domain varchar(255) The URL. NO UNI NULL  


Sets the appearance of an email.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(255) Wrapper name. NO UNI NULL  
template longtext Html defining the appearance and where the text is inserted. NO   NULL  
text_template longtext Text only version of template defining the appearance and where the email body is inserted. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
unsubscribe_text text Required link to an unsubscribe page and related description (text only version). YES   NULL  
unsubscribe_html text Required link to an unsubscribe page and related description (HTML version). YES   NULL  
is_default int(11) Used to set this as the default template. YES   0  
lang_id int(11) Optional language setting for this wrapper. Joins to core_language. YES MUL NULL  


Custom email wrapper field value. Joins to core_emailwrapper.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) Joins to core_emailwrapper. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Field name NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Field value NO   NULL  


Record of mailings where a user was targeted but not sent an email because of a missing or bad snippet value.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this failed mailing and user combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailing_id int(11) Identifies which mailing_id. Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Identifies the user who didn't get the mailing. Joins to core_user. NO   NULL  
subject_id int(11) Identifies the subject of the mailing. Joins to core_mailingsubject. YES MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO NULL  
reasons longtext Failure reason. NO   NULL  


Names and email addresses from which emails can be sent.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
from_line text Ex.:Your Organization <> NO UNI    
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  


Matches users based on their recent engagement history and mailbox provider, in order to allow you to target mailings. This is commonly used to target active users or exclude inactive users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO      
updated_at datetime   NO      
name varchar(255) Name, which must be unique. NO UNI    
description varchar(255) Description NO      
type varchar(16) 'includes' or 'excludes', which determines how this is used. NO      
criteria JSON JSON representation of the criteria used in matching users. NO      
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO      


Content and key information for all sent and draft emails.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Mailing id. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
fromline_id int(11) Specifies who will show in the from line of the email (generally name and email address). Joins on (core_mailing.fromline_id= YES MUL NULL  
custom_fromline text Empty unless the sender created a from line for use in this mailing only, in which case this overrides fromline_id above. NO      
reply_to varchar(255) Email address that will receive responses if recipients hit reply. YES   NULL  
notes varchar(255) Notes field for internal use. YES   NULL  
html longtext Html and content of the email. YES   NULL  
lang_id int(11) Joins to core_language. YES MUL NULL  
text longtext Text version of the email. YES   NULL  
emailwrapper_id int(11) Defines the appearance of the email. Joins on (core_mailing.emailwrapper_id= YES MUL NULL  
web_viewable tinyint(1) 1=Mailing can be viewed on the web.< YES   0  
landing_page_id int(11) For emails linking to call and petition pages, pulls the related targeting. Joins on (core_mailing.landing_page_id= YES MUL NULL  
winning_subject_id int(11) not in use) YES MUL NULL  
requested_proofs int(11) Number of proofs requested. YES   NULL  
submitter_id int(11) User_id of staff user who submitted the email. YES MUL NULL  
queue_task_id varchar(255) Internal identifier. YES   NULL  
queued_at datetime Date/time when the mailing was added to the send queue. YES   NULL  
queued_by_id int(11) ID of staff user who hit send. YES MUL NULL  
expected_send_count int(11) Estimated number of emails that will be sent. YES   NULL  
started_at datetime Time the mailing began sending to the targets. YES   NULL  
finished_at datetime Time the mailing finished sending. YES   NULL  
query_queued_at datetime Time the query was queued. YES   NULL  
query_started_at datetime Time the query started building. YES   NULL  
query_completed_at datetime Time the query finished building. YES   NULL  
query_previous_runtime int(11) Time the query took to run on previous submit. YES   NULL  
query_status varchar(255) Query build status. YES   NULL  
query_task_id varchar(255) Query task unique identifier. YES   NULL  
targeting_version int(11) Needs description YES   0  
targeting_version_saved int(11) Needs description YES   NULL  
status varchar(255) Draft, queued (in line to send), sending, completed, stopped, died, recurring, and model. YES   NULL  
includes_id int(11) Identifies group of criteria selected under include. Joins on (core_mailing.includes_id= YES MUL NULL  
excludes_id int(11) Identifies group of criteria selected under exclude. Joins on (core_mailing.excludes_id= YES MUL NULL  
limit int(11) Shows if the submitter set a limit on the number of emails to be sent. The limit applies if it's less than the total users who meet the targeting criteria. Generally used in testing. YES   NULL  
sort_by varchar(32) Random (generally used in testing), scorepool_userscore (most engaged to least engaged), or zip (sends from the east to the west). YES   NULL  
rate double Send rate. YES   NULL  
progress int(11) Number sent so far YES   NULL  
pid int(11)   YES   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
target_group_from_landing_page tinyint(1) Advocacy targets selected on landing page (petition, call, letter, whipcount only) NO   0  
scheduled_for datetime Time the mailing will send (scheduled mailings only). YES   NULL  
scheduled_by_id int(11) User that scheduled the mailing. YES MUL NULL  
sent_proofs int(11) Needs description NO   0  
rebuild_query_at_send tinyint(1) 1=YES NO   0  
limit_percent int(11) not in use. YES   NULL  
mergefile_id int(11) Merge file unique identifier. YES MUL NULL  
target_mergefile tinyint(1) 1 if AK should use the merge file identifier column to target recipients NO   0  
mergequery_report_id int(11) ID of the query report to be used as a merge query. Joins to reports_report_id. YES MUL NULL  
target_mergequery tinyint(1) 1 if AK should use the merge query identifier column to target recipients NO   0  
mails_per_second double count of mails sent per second YES   NULL  
recurring_schedule_id int(11) Join to recurringmailingschedule table. YES MUL NULL  
recurring_source_mailing_id int(11) Joins to master recurring mailing they were copied from. YES MUL NULL  
requested_proof_date datetime   YES   NULL  
send_date varchar(255) Date to be used for auto-exclusion. NO MUL    
exclude_ordering int(11) Ordering for auto-excludes send date. Yes    
test_group_id int(11) Mailing's test group. YES MUL    
test_remainder int(11) YES      
version smallint(6)   NO   NULL  
archive longtext Archived HTML from the sent mailing. The content will be generated for the same random user as the final proofs. YES      
amp_archive longtext Archived AMP HTML from the sent mailing, if any. The content will be generated for the same random user as the final proofs. YES      
bee_json longtext Generated JSON used to re-construct mailing blocks for the Drag-and-Drop Editor. YES   NULL  
bee_session varchar(36) ID of the active collaborative editing session when using the Drag-and-Drop Editor. YES   NULL  


Shows user_ids entered under "see proofs for specific users" and the mailing_id.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailing_id int(11) Identifies the mailing. Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Identifies the user. Joins to core_user NO MUL NULL  


Shows which mailings were sent as proofs to which staff users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  


Associates a mailing with a tag.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailing_id int(11) Mailing unique identifier, joins with core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Identifies the tag. Joins to core_tag. NO MUL NULL  


Information that may be helpful in identifying the cause of a mailing error.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Identifies which mailing had the error. Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
queue_task_id varchar(255) Internal use only. NO   NULL  
traceback longtext Info about the error. NO   NULL  


Custom mailing field value. Joins to core_mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Field name NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Field value NO   NULL  


Mailer haikus.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for haiku. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
text longtext Haiku text. NO   NULL  


Subject or subjects associated with an email

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each subject. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
text longtext Subject text. NO   NULL  
preview_text longtext Preview text. YES   NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Specifies the mailing. Joins on (core_mailingsubject.mailing_id= NO MUL NULL  


The variations of an A/B mailing test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each variation. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Reference to id in the core_mailing table. NO MUL NULL  
letter varchar(2) The letter (A, B, C, etc.) of this variation, used for ordering. This is unique when combined with mailing_id. NO   NULL  
notes varchar(255) Your notes about this test variation. YES   NULL  
archive longtext A sample of the HTML that was sent for this variation. YES   NULL  


The content changes for variations in A/B mailing tests. The built-in fields are treated as variation A and all other variations are here.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each variation detail. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
variation_id int(11) Reference to id in the core_mailingvariation table. NO MUL NULL  
field_type varchar(255) Type of mailing field this change applies to, either *standard* or *custom*. NO   NULL  
field_name varchar(255) Name of the field this change applies to. NO   NULL  
value longtext The content to substitute for the default (variation A) content on this field. NO   NULL  


Mapping between A/B test variations and the users who received them.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each row. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
variation_id int(11) Reference to id in the core_mailingvariation table. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Reference to id in the core_user table. NO MUL NULL  


Criteria for inclusion or exclusion from the select recipients screen. Joins to core_mailing on or core_mailing.excludes_id.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Identifier for all criteria under "include" or all criteria under "exclude" for a given mailing. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
states longtext U.S. states. YES   NULL  
cds longtext Congressional Districts YES   NULL  
zips longtext U.S. zip codes, or city, state, or city, country or postcode country (for use with zip radius except for zip which can be a stand alone). YES   NULL  
zip_radius int(11) Radius for zip code or other geographic points YES   NULL  
has_donated tinyint(1) 1=yes; previous donations checkbox. YES   NULL  
is_monthly_donor tinyint(1) Not in use. YES   NULL  
raw_sql longtext Raw SQL. YES   NULL  
state_house_districts longtext U.S. state house districts. YES   NULL  
state_senate_districts longtext U.S. state senate districts. YES   NULL  
is_delivery tinyint(1) 1=Yes if mailing is a petition or letter signature delivery. YES   0  
delivery_job_id int(11) Joins to core_petitiondeliveryjob. YES MUL NULL  
counties longtext U.S. counties. YES   NULL  
campaign_radius int(11) Radius around the zip of events within selected event campaign. YES   NULL  
countries text Countries. YES   NULL  
divisions text Ids of international boundaries. YES   NULL  
campaign_samestate_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own state. NO   0  
campaign_same_county_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own county. NO   0  
campaign_same_district_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own US House District. NO   0  
mirror_mailing_excludes tinyint(1) Excludes sent mailings that excluded this one. NO   1  
regions longtext Non-U.S. regions. YES   NULL  
scorepool_score_min int(11) Matches users with at least this Scorepool User Score. YES   NULL  
scorepool_score_max int(11) Matches users whose Scorepool User Score is less than this value. YES   NULL  
scorepool_score_include_missing tinyint(1) Whether to match users who do not have a Scorepool User Score. YES   NULL  


Statistics about this mailing set's users, frozen at the time of the mailing set build. Uses summary_user in order to calculate all stats. All data should be interpreted in the context of when the mailing was built. Can be compared with core_userdailysummary when the created_at dates of both are equal to determine whether this mailing set is average, better than average, or worse than average.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Primary Key. Joins to core_mailing on = core_mailingsummarytargeting.mailing_id NO PRI    
targeting_version int(11) Which targeting version this summary is valid for, or NULL if it's still being calculated. YES   NULL  
avg_last_mailed int(11) Number of days between when this mailing set was built and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_mailed for users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_last_open int(11) Number of days between when this mailing set was built and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_open for users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_last_click int(11) Number of days between when this mailing set was built and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_click for users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_last_mailing_action int(11) Number of days between when this mailing set was built and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_mailing_action for users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_last_donation int(11) Number of days between when this mailing set was built and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_donation for users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_actions_last_90_days int(11) Average number of actions taken in the last 90 days by all users in this mailing set. YES   NULL  
avg_scorepool_userscore int(11) Average ScorePool User Score for all users in this mailing set. (NULL if you are not enrolled in ScorePool) YES   NULL  
users_without_summary int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who do not have an entry in the summary_user table. (In late 2023, summary_user was changed so all users would have an entry.) YES   NULL  
users_without_last_mailed int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have a NULL value for summary_user.last_mailed. YES   NULL  
users_without_last_open int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have a NULL value for summary_user.last_open. YES   NULL  
users_without_last_click int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have a NULL value for summary_user.last_click. YES   NULL  
users_without_last_mailing_action int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have a NULL value for summary_user.last_mailing_action. YES   NULL  
users_without_last_donation int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have a NULL value for summary_user.last_donation. YES   NULL  
users_without_scorepool_userscore int(11) Number of users in this mailing set who have no entry in `scorepool_userscore`. YES   NULL  
recipients int(11) Number of users who will receive this mailing, or who can receive this mailing OR its automatic subject line test winner. YES   NULL  


Targeting by whether user has taken action on a given page. Additional criteria (for inclusion or exclusion) added to set defined in core_mailingtargeting.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each targeting and page combination. One target set will have multiple rows if multiple pages are targeted. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailingtargeting_id int(11) Identifies the set of criteria to which this one is added. Can be for either inclusion or exclusion. See table above. NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Identifies the page. Joins on (core_mailing_targeting_actions.page_id= NO MUL NULL  

Other tables following the same formula

Adding targeting criteria (for inclusion or exclusion) to sets of criteria identified in the core_mailingtargeting table.

Table Description
core_mailingtargeting_lists Targeting by whether user is on a given list.
core_mailingtargeting_mailings Targeting by whether user is included in the targeting for another mailing.
core_mailingtargeting_users Targeting by user_id.
core_mailingtargeting_user_groups Targeting by usergroup_id.
core_mailingtargeting_languages Targeting by whether user took action on a page associated with the given language.
core_mailingtargeting_was_monthly_donor Targeting by recurring donor status. Joins to core_recurringdonortargetingoption.
core_mailingtargeting_target_groups Targeting constituents of advocacy targets in specified target group (as defined from links on the pages tab).
core_mailingtargeting_campaigns Targeting users by proximity (specified in core_mailingtargeting) to event in the campaign in this table.
core_mailingtargeting_tags Targeting by whether the user took action on a page associated with the designated tag.
core_targetingqueryreport Targeting by results of a query report. Joins to reports_report using report_id.


Associates additional targeting sets with a mailing for OR targeting functionality.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
mailingtargeting_ptr_id int(11) Joins to NO PRI NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL NULL  


A group of mailings for launching and viewing test results together.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
title longtext Mailing subject used for this test. YES      
number_of_mailings int(11) Count of mailings within this group. NO      
prime int(11) Prime number used for modulo. NO      
status varchar(255) Status of the mailing. YES      


Merge files uploaded for use in mailings.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Merge file name. NO   NULL  
path varchar(255) merge file path. NO   NULL  
status varchar(20) Upload status YES   NULL  
lookup_table varchar(255) Table that will return user_ids for targeting based on the value in the lookup_column (e.g., core_user or core_location) YES   NULL  
lookup_column varchar(255) Name of the column to match on to identify users (e.g. id or zip or city,state) YES   NULL  
started_at datetime Start time for merge table upload. YES   NULL  
finished_at datetime End time for merge table upload. YES   NULL  
row_count int(11) Rows with valid match, available for use in mailing. YES   NULL  
line_count int(11) Number of lines in the merge file (including header row) YES   NULL  
error longtext Errors encountered while loading merge file. NO   NULL  


Parameters to use with the merge query for a specific mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Parameter name. NO   NULL  
value varchar(255) Parameter value. NO   NULL  


Stores the last 90 days of raw deliverability data, such as bounces and delays.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id int(11) User identifier, joins with core_user. YES MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Mailing identifier, joins with core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Action identifier, joins with core_action. YES MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  
timestamp datetime Date time from mailing event json YES   NULL  
event_type varchar(25) e.g.: "bounce", "delay", etc. NO MUL NULL  
bounce_class int(11) See Bounce Classification Codes YES MUL NULL  
num_retries int(11) Index of retry for this mailing/message. (0 = first try) YES MUL NULL  
smtp_error_code varchar(3) See SMTP error codes YES   NULL  
ext_event_id varchar(25) Unique vendor-provided ID of this event NO UNI NULL  


Tracks all real opens by mailing and user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
user_id int(11) User identifier, joins with core_user. YES MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Mailing identifier, joins with core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
created_at timestamp   NO   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  
id bigint(20)   NO PRI NULL auto_increment
useragent_id int(11)   YES   NULL  


As core_open, but tracks all opens by mailing and user, which includes real opens and those believed to be created by software or email providers hiding actual user activity. Raw opens older than 90 days are deleted automatically.


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
envelope_sender longtext   NO   NULL  
to longtext   NO   NULL  
message longtext   NO   NULL  
metadata longtext   NO   NULL  


Recurring donor statuses available in mailer targeting "Monthly Donors" box.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for status. 1-5. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
code varchar(255) Short status descriptions (i.e., expires_this_month) NO   NULL  
description varchar(255) Status description (i.e., Card will expire at the end of the month ) NO   NULL  


Table for storage of recurring series information.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) NO   NULL  
tz_name varchar(64) NO   NULL  
schedule_type varchar(255) YES   NULL  
hours varchar(255) YES   NULL  
days_of_week varchar(255) YES   NULL  
days_of_month varchar(255) YES   NULL  
send_finished_notice tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  


See short links section of user guide.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
short_code varchar(255) Use links with a name and no number with this code. YES UNI NULL  
url varchar(4096) URL to be redirected. YES   NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
targeting_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
name varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
values longtext   YES   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
report_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
targeting_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Additional parameters provided by staffer when using a query report to target a mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
query_id int(11) Query identifier. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Parameter name. NO   NULL  
value varchar(255) Value entered by staffer for the parameter. NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
targeting_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
field_id varchar(255)   NO MUL NULL  
values longtext   YES   NULL  


Statistics about your subscribed users who have a record in summary_user and have received at least 1 mailing in the last 30 days. Uses summary_user in order to calculate all stats. All data should be interpreted in the context of when the record was created. Can be compared with core_mailingtargetingsummary when the created_at dates of both are equal to determine whether that mailing set is average, better than average, or worse than average.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Primary key NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
avg_last_mailed int(11) Average number of days between when this snapshot was created and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_mailed for recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  
avg_last_open int(11) Average number of days between when this snapshot was created and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_open for recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  
avg_last_click int(11) Average number of days between when this snapshot was created and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_click for recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  
avg_last_mailing_action int(11) Average number of days between when this snapshot was created and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_mailing_action for recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  
avg_last_donation int(11) Average number of days between when this snapshot was created and the date of the average non-null value for summary_user.last_donation for recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  
avg_actions_last_90_days int(11) Average number of actions taken in the last 90 days by all recently-mailed subscribed users, using `summary_user.actions_last_90_days`. YES   NULL  
avg_scorepool_userscore int(11) Average value of `scorepool_userscore.score` for all recently-mailed subscribed users. YES   NULL  


Record of every mailing sent to every user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this mailing and user combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
mailing_id int(11) Identifies which mailing_id. Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Identifies the user who got the mailing. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
subject_id int(11) Identifies the subject of the mailing. Joins to core_mailingsubject. YES MUL NULL  
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  


Records when AMP Emails are clicked/tapped.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this mailing and user combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Identifies the user who received the mailing. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Identifies which mailing the user received. Joins to core_mailing. NO MUL NULL  
useragent_id int(11) Identifies the user's browser. Joins to core_useragent. YES MUL NULL  

Transactional mailing Tables

Related to transactional mailings sent as a result of actions.

The following transactional mailing tables are described below:


Content and key information for all sent transactional emails.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each transactional mailing. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Page associated with this transactional mailing. Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
variation_id int(11) A/B testing variation associated with the page at the time of action, if any. Joins to lab_variation. YES MUL NULL  
wrapper_id int(11) Joins to core_emailwrapper. YES MUL NULL  
from_line_id int(11) Specifies who will show in the from line of the email (generally name and email address). Joins to core_fromline. YES MUL NULL  
custom_from varchar(255) Empty unless the sender created a from line for use in this mailing only, in which case this overrides fromline_id above. NO   NULL  
reply_to varchar(255) Email address that will receive responses if recipients hit reply. YES   NULL  
subject varchar(255) Mailing subject text. NO   NULL  
body longtext Mailing content. YES   NULL  
status varchar(20) Active, inactive, or test if page a/b test sets transactional email behavior. YES MUL NULL  
type varchar(20) confirmation, taf, notification NO MUL NULL  
signature varchar(255) Not used. YES   NULL  


Records every action notification mailing and joins to core_transactionalmailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
transactionalmailing_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailing. NO PRI NULL  
notification_id int(11) Joins to core_actionnotification. NO MUL NULL  


Records every tell-a-friend mailing sent through ActionKit and joins to core_transactionalmailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
transactionalmailing_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailing. NO PRI NULL  


Records every confirmation mailing and joins to core_transactionalmailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
transactionalmailing_ptr_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailing. NO PRI NULL  


The core_transactionalmailingsent table stores a row each time a transactional mailing is sent.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this transactional mailing and user/email combo. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action on the action that triggered the transactional mail to be sent. NO MUL NULL  
transactional_mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailing. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. YES MUL NULL  
email varchar(255) Recipient email address. NO MUL NULL  


The core_transactionalmailingopen table stores a row each time a transactional mailing is opened.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this open. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
transactional_mailing_sent_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailingsent. NO MUL NULL  


The core_transactionalmailingclick table stores a row each time a transactional mailing is clicked.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this click. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
transactional_mailing_sent_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailingsent. NO MUL NULL  
clickurl_id int(11) Joins to core_clickurl. NO MUL NULL  
link_number int(11) Describes which link in the email the user clicked. YES   NULL  
source varchar(255) The source value from the mailing link which will provide the 'source' for any clicks or actions it generates. NO MUL NULL  


The core_transactionalmailingaction table stores a row each time a user takes action after clicking on a transactional mailing link.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this combination of action and transactional mailing send. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
transactional_mailing_sent_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailingsent. NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action on the action taken from the transactional mailing. NO MUL NULL  


The core_transactionalmailingaction table stores a row each time a user unsubscribes on a confirmation mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for this click. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action on the action taken from the transactional mailing. NO MUL NULL  
transactional_mailing_sent_id int(11) Joins to core_transactionalmailingsent. NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
useragent_string longtext   NO   NULL  
hash varchar(64)   NO UNI NULL  
browser varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
browser_version varchar(30)   NO   NULL  
os varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
os_version varchar(30)   NO   NULL  
device varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
is_mobile tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  
is_phone tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  
is_tablet tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  
is_desktop tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  

Texting Tables


Action_id and message_id for every action coming from a broadcast or transactional text.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each action from a text NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO   NULL  
message_id int(11) Joins to ???? NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action using (core_action.action_id=texting_action.action_id) NO MUL NULL  


Pointer to ad hoc text message which was send by an admin to an individual user

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
message_ptr_id int(11) Links to texting_message NO PRI NULL
admin_user_id int(11) Join to auth_user NO MUL NULL
change_subscription_status varchar(32) One of: "none", "subscribe", "unsubscribe" YES MUL NULL


Pointer to text message which may be used as an after-action message. N.b.: Joins to core_pagefollowup via core_pagefollowup.confirmation_text_id

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
message_ptr_id int(11) Links to texting_message NO PRI NULL


Custom field created by your group to display text or activate custom code on a particular page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
order_index int(11) Sets the display order for custom text fields. NO   NULL  
display_name varchar(255) The display name is shown when selecting a custom field and may be changed in the future. Spaces, punctuation, etc are permitted. NO UNI NULL  
name varchar(128) Name of the custom field. No punctuation supported except underscores. NO PRI NULL  
always_show tinyint(1) 1=show when creating broadcasts. NO   0  
required tinyint(1) Value must be entered for this field before the broadcast can be saved. NO   NULL  
description longtext Description of custom text field. YES   NULL  
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_default longtext Provide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Values available if the list type is Select From List or Select From List with Other. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate campaigners' input here. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  
allow_multiple tinyint(1) If 1, you can associated multiple of the field with one broadcast. NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
message_ptr_id int(11) Links to ??? NO PRI NULL
subscription_status varchar(32) Links to ??? YES MUL NULL
keywords varchar(255) ??? YES   NULL
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO MUL NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
hidden tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL
is_default tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL  
title varchar(64) ??? NO   NULL
notes varchar(255) ??? NO   NULL
enabled tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO MUL NULL auto_increment
binding_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
originator_id int(11) NO MUL NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each action from a text NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
address varchar(64) ??? NO UNI NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each action from a text NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
address varchar(255) ??? NO MUL NULL
message_id int(11) YES   NULL
action_id int(11) YES   NULL
matched_address tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
message_ptr_id int(11) Links to ??? NO PRI NULL
target_group_from_landing_page tinyint(1) NO PRI NULL  
respect_recipient_time tinyint(1) Send only to users in allowed local hours NO PRI NULL  
limit int(11) YES   NULL  
limit_percent int(11) YES   NULL  
sort_by varchar(32) YES   NULL  
max_per_second double YES   NULL  
scheduled_for datetime   YES   NULL  
scheduled_by_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
landing_page_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL  
sent_proofs int(11) NO   NULL  
mergefile_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
target_mergefile tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL  
mergequery_report_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
target_mergequery tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  
targeting_version int(11) YES   NULL  
targeting_version_saved int(11) YES   NULL  
rate double YES   NULL  
progress int(11) YES   NULL  
query_queued_at datetime YES   NULL  
query_started_at datetime YES   NULL  
query_completed_at datetime YES   NULL  
query_previous_runtime int(11) YES   NULL  
query_status varchar(255) YES   NULL  
query_task_id varchar(255) YES   NULL  
queue_task_id varchar(255) YES   NULL  
queued_at datetime YES   NULL  
queued_by_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
expected_send_count int(11) YES   NULL  
started_at datetime YES MUL NULL  
finished_at datetime YES MUL NULL  
requested_proofs int(11) YES   NULL  
requested_proof_date datetime YES   NULL  
submitter_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
rebuild_query_at_send tinyint(1) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
broadcast_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
broadcast_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
click_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
message_ptr_id int(11) Links to ??? NO PRI NULL
status_trigger varchar(32) NO MUL NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
last_deact_notice_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
for_message_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
payload json NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(16) NO MUL NULL  
source_address varchar(24) NO   NULL  
our_address varchar(24) NO   NULL  
subscriber_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
originator_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
prior_send_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
content longtext NO NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(16) NO MUL NULL  
message_at datetime NO MUL NULL  
external_uid varchar(24) NO   NULL  
source_address varchar(24) NO   NULL  
our_address varchar(24) NO   NULL  
multipart_uid int(11) YES   NULL
multipart_total int(11) YES   NULL
multipart_part int(11) YES   NULL
content_type varchar(24) NO NULL
content_udh varchar(24) NO NULL
content_data longtext(24) NO NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
hidden tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL
is_default tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) NO UNI NULL  
notes varchar(255) YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) NO   NULL  
value varchar(255) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
hidden tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL
type varchar(32) NO MUL NULL  
notes longtext NO   NULL  
send_type varchar(32) SMS/MMS NO   NULL  
template longtext NO   NULL  
media_url varchar(200) MMS media URL NO   NULL  
binding_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
lang_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
queue_task_id varchar(255) NO   NULL  
traceback longtext NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
subscriber_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
originator_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
reason longtext NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
subscriber_id int(11) YES MUL NULL  
originator_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
send_type varchar(32) SMS/MMS NO   NULL  
external_id varchar(255) NO MUL NULL  
segments int(11) NO   NULL  
is_proof tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  
sent_address varchar(64) YES MUL NULL  
sent_in_reply_to_id integer YES MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
exclude tinyint(1) NO NULL  
raw_sql longtext Raw SQL. YES   NULL  
countries text Countries. YES   NULL  
states longtext U.S. states. YES   NULL  
regions longtext Non-U.S. regions. YES   NULL  
counties longtext U.S. counties. YES   NULL  
divisions text Ids of international boundaries. YES   NULL  
zips longtext U.S. zip codes, or city, state, or city, country or postcode country (for use with zip radius except for zip which can be a stand alone). YES   NULL  
zip_radius int(11) Radius for zip code or other geographic points YES   NULL  
cds longtext Congressional Districts YES   NULL  
state_senate_districts longtext U.S. state senate districts. YES   NULL  
state_house_districts longtext U.S. state house districts. YES   NULL  
has_donated tinyint(1) 1=yes; previous donations checkbox. YES   NULL  
is_monthly_donor tinyint(1) Not in use. YES   NULL  
campaign_radius int(11) Radius around the zip of events within selected event campaign. YES   NULL  
campaign_samestate_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own state. NO   0  
campaign_same_county_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own county. NO   0  
campaign_same_district_only tinyint(1) Only invite members to events in their own US House District. NO   0  
campaign_first_date varchar(16) NO   NULL  
campaign_last_date varchar(16) NO   NULL  
mirror_message_excludes tinyint(1) Excludes sent broadcasts that excluded this one. NO   1  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
messagetargeting_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page on NO MUL NULL  

















Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
hidden tiny_int(1) NO MUL NULL
gateway varchar(32) NO MUL NULL  
address varchar(32) NO   NULL  
display varchar(32) NO   NULL  
enabled tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  
rate_per_minute int(11) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
referring_message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) NO UNI NULL  



Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
message_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
process_id int(11) YES NULL
action varchar(255) NO   NULL  
reason varchar(255) NO   NULL  
targeting_version int(11) NO NULL
triggered_by_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
address varchar(64) NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(16) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
subscriber_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  
list_id int(11) NO MUL NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(24) NO UNI NULL  
description varchar(255) NO   NULL  
subscribed tiny_int(1) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
list_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
date date NO   NULL  
subscribers int(11) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
targeting_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
page_id int(11) YES MUL NULL
name varchar(255) NO   NULL  
values longtext YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
targeting_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
name varchar(255) NO   NULL  
values longtext YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
report_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
targeting_id int(11) NO MUL NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
query_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
name varchar(255) NO   NULL  
value varchar(4096) NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Date/time the action was updated NO MUL NULL  
targeting_id int(11) NO MUL NULL
field_id varchar(128) NO MUL NULL  
values longtext YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
job_ptr_id int(11) NO PRI NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
job_ptr_id int(11) NO PRI NULL


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
value longtext NO MUL NULL  
parent_id int(11) NO NULL
name varchar(128) NO MUL NULL  

Import Tables

These tables information about import jobs (or uploads).

The following upload tables are described below:


Record for each import.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Update date/time. NO   NULL  
path varchar(255) File path, in hostname:filename format. NO   NULL  
submitter_id int(11) Admin ID submitting the upload. NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Import Page ID. Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
started_at datetime Upload start date/time. NO   NULL  
finished_at datetime Upload finish date/time. NO   NULL  
rate double Upload rate (rows/sec). NO   NULL  
progress int(11)   YES   NULL  
status varchar(20) Upload status - loading, completed, etc. NO   NULL  
format varchar(10) Upload format - csv, tsv. YES   NULL  
compression varchar(20) Needs description YES   NULL  
autocreate_user_fields tinyint(1) =1 creates custom user fields if they exist in the import file. NO   NULL  
original_header longtext Header row in JSON format. NO   NULL  
override_header longtext Edited header row in JSON format. NO   NULL  
line_count int(11) Approximate row count. YES   NULL  
job_id int(11) Joins to YES MUL    
user_updater_id int(11) Joins to YES MUL    


Errors encountered during imports.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL NULL  
update_at datetime Update date/time. NO   NULL  
upload_id int(11) Upload ID - joins to NO MUL NULL  
worker_pid int(11) Process ID of worker task. YES   NULL  
row int(11) Row where the error occurred - header is row 1. YES   NULL  
col int(11) Column where the error occurred. YES   NULL  
message longtext Error message. NO   NULL  
exception longtext Python exception if the error was caused by one. YES   NULL  
value varchar(255) Value which caused the error. YES   NULL  
raw_row longtext Row data from the row with the error. YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
upload_id int(11) Upload identifier. NO MUL NULL  
worker_pid int(11) Needs description. NO   NULL  
ok int(11) Needs description. NO   NULL  
warnings int(11) Warning messages displayed on upload report screen. NO   NULL  
errors int(11) Error messages displayed on upload report screen. NO   NULL  
rate double Upload speed. YES   NULL  


Warnings encountered during imports. Warnings indicate possible data problems but they don't cause your import to fail like errors.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Update date/time. NO MUL NULL  
upload_id int(11) Upload ID - joins to NO MUL NULL  
worker_pid int(11) Process ID of worker task. YES   NULL  
row int(11) Row where the warning occurred - header is row 1. YES   NULL  
col int(11) Column where the warning occurred. YES   NULL  
message longtext Warning message. NO   NULL  
exception longtext Python exception if the warning was caused by one. YES   NULL  
value varchar(255) Value which caused the warning. YES   NULL  
raw_row longtext Row data from the row with the warning. YES   NULL  

User Tables

The User tables contain information about individual users.

The following core user tables are described below:


Field created by your group to capture user-specific data.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
order_index int(11) Sets the display order for user fields show on the user record and in the pull down display. NO   NULL  
display_name varchar(255)   NO UNI NULL  
name varchar(255) The name of the custom user field. NO PRI    
always_show tinyint(1) 1=always show on the individual user record (even if there is no value entered) NO   0  
required tinyint(1) A value must be entered for this field on the user record before saving. NO   NULL  
description longtext Description of custom user field. YES      
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_default longtext Provide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Values available if the list type is Select From List or Select From List with Other. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate campaigners' input here. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  


Geography info for each user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) joins on NO PRI NULL  
us_district varchar(5) User's Congressional District (based on zip and, if available, plus4). NO   NULL  
us_state_senate varchar(6) User's state senate district if known (based on zip plus4). NO   NULL  
us_state_district varchar(6) User's state house district if known (based on zip plus4). NO   NULL  
us_county varchar(255) User's county if known (based on zip). US only. NO   NULL  
loc_code varchar(30) ActionKit generated data used for radius targeting. YES MUL NULL  
longitude double ActionKit assigned longitude for user location. YES   NULL  
latitude double ActionKit assigned latitude for user location. YES   NULL  
country_code varchar(2) =Two-letter ISO code YES MUL    
region_code varchar(20) For international users - region code for user location. YES      
lat_lon_precision varchar(32) Needs description YES      
timezone varchar(255) User's timezone if known NO   NULL  


All phone numbers associated with a given user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) joins on NO MUL NULL  
type varchar(25) Types are home, mobile, work, emergency, home fax, work fax. NO   NULL  
phone varchar(25) Phone number. NO   NULL  
source varchar(25) Source of phone number. NO   NULL  
normalized_phone varchar(25) Digits with no spaces or punctuation. NO MUL NULL  


User contact info, user_id, and source of the first action the user took.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each email address (user) and related data. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
email varchar(255) User email address. NO UNI NULL  
prefix varchar(255) User name prefix. NO      
first_name varchar(255) User first name. NO   NULL  
middle_name varchar(255) User middle name. NO   NULL  
last_name varchar(255) User last name. NO MUL NULL  
suffix varchar(255) User name suffix. NO   NULL  
password varchar(255) User password NO   NULL  
subscription_status varchar(255) Subscribed, unsubscribed, bounced, never, blocked. NO MUL NULL  
address1 varchar(255) User address. NO   NULL  
address2 varchar(255) User address. NO   NULL  
city varchar(255) User city. NO   NULL  
state varchar(255) User state. NO MUL NULL  
region varchar(255) International user region. NO   NULL  
postal varchar(255) International user postal code. NO   NULL  
zip varchar(5) User zip code. NO MUL NULL  
plus4 varchar(4) User zip plus 4 digit code. NO   NULL  
country varchar(255) User country. NO MUL NULL  
source varchar(255) Source of the first action the user took (see core_action.) NO MUL NULL  
lang_id int(11) If the user took action on a page associated with a language the id shows here. Joins to core_language. YES MUL NULL  
rand_id int(11) Not in use. NO MUL NULL  


User field values.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) User id. Joins to core_user on (core_userfield.parent_id= NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) field name NO MUL NULL  
value longtext User's response. NO   NULL  
action_id int(11) The action that set this field to its current value. Joins to core_action. NULL for fields before this feature was added and for fields edited by staff.     NULL  
updated_at datetime(6) Date/time this record was last updated. NULL for fields before this feature was added.     NULL  


Groups that users can be added to. Similar to tags, except users can be manually added to and removed from groups.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Name used to identify group NO MUL NULL  
description varchar(255) Description of the group NO MUL NULL  


Record of which users belong to which groups.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
user_id int(11) User ID, joins to core_user NO MUL NULL  
usergroup_id int(11) UserGroup ID, joins to core_usergroup NO   NULL  


Record of users merged.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
primary_id int(11) The ID of the primary user selected in a user merge. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(255) Complete or pending. NO MUL NULL  
parent_id int(11) The ID of the merge oif which this merge is a part. Joins back to core_usermerge. YES MUL NULL  
sms_primary_id int(11) The ID of the SMS source user selected in a user merge. Joins to core_user. YES MUL NULL  


Secondary user records merged into primary user. Primary shown in core_usermerge.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
usermerge_id int(11) Joins to core_usermerge. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Each secondary user_id merged to primary in the core_usermerge record. NO MUL NULL  


Staff notes on users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) User id. Joins to core_user on (core_userstaffnote.user_id = NO MUL NULL  
staff_id int(11) Staff User id. Joins to auth_user on (core_userstaffnote.staff_id = NO MUL NULL  
note longtext Staffer's note. NO   NULL  


Match user to international geopolitical divisions.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) User id. Joins to core_user on (core_userdivision.user_id = NO MUL NULL  
division_id int(11) Division ID NO MUL NULL  


De-normalized record of user tags. Updated every 10 minutes.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
user_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    
tag_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    


Daily counts for users engaged and unengaged per the most recently run count, added to the re-engagement list, removed from the re-engagement list, and unsubscribed through list migration.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime Created date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO   NULL  
dry_run tinyint(1) 1=Counted users but did not move. NO   NULL  
engaged int(11) Count of engaged users. NO   NULL  
unengaged int(11) Count of unengaged users. NO   NULL  
added int(11) Count of users added to re-engagement list. NO   NULL  
removed int(11) Count of users removed from re-engagement list. NO   NULL  
unsubscribed int(11) Count of users unsubscribed. NO   NULL  


Users that are enrolled in the shared FastAction pool.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime Created date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    
fastaction_id varchar(64) Internal use only. NO      


Use of a oneclick donation link in a mailing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime Created date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    
mailing_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    

Subscription Tables

The Subscription tables relate to users' list membership and subscription history.

The following core subscription tables are described below:


Name and id of mailing lists.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL Null  
updated_at datetime   NO   Null  
name varchar(255) Name of the list. NO UNI Null  
notes varchar(255) Notes field for internal use. YES      
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
is_default tinyint(1) 1=default mailing list YES   0  


List membership for each subscribed users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each user/list combination. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins on NO MUL NULL  
list_id int(11) Joins on NO MUL NULL  


Descriptions of each of the types of changes that are possible to a user's subscription to a particular list.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of change: subscribe, subscribe_api, subscribe_import, subscribe_merge, subscribe_notspamcheck, subscribe_uploader, unsubscribe, unsubscribe_admin, unsubscribe_bounce, unsubscribe_email, unsubscribe_import, unsubscribe_merge, unsubscribe_reengagement, unsubscribe_spamcheck NO UNI NULL  
description varchar(255) Definition (ex: Subscribe, Subscribe by import, Unsubscribe Bounce, etc.) NO   NULL  
subscribed tinyint(1) 0 = unsubscribed; 1 = subscribed NO   NULL  


Daily subscription counts for each list, and overall.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
list_id int(11) Joins on
NULL = across all lists.
date date   NO   NULL  
subscribers int(11) Count of subscribers to the list. NO   NULL  


Changes in subscription status for each user w/ id that ties to changetype table.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins on NO MUL NULL  
list_id int(11) The list this user was added or removed from. Joins to core_list. NO MUL NULL  
change_id int(11) Change type defined in core_subscriptionchangetype table above. NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) The action that led to the subscription status change. Joins on ( core_subscriptionhistory.action_id) YES MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
list_id int(11) Joins on
NULL = across all lists.
date date   NO   NULL  
subscribers int(11) Count of subscribers to the list. NO   NULL  

Job table


Table with information about back end processing jobs in ActionKit (like uploads or reports).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
job_type varchar(255) Types include merge file, ping, report, upload. NO   NULL  
priority int(11)   YES   NULL  
parameters longtext   YES   NULL  
result_data longtext   YES   NULL  
submitter_id int(11) user_id of person submitting job YES MUL NULL  
started_at datetime job start YES   NULL  
finished_at datetime job end YES   NULL  
server varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
pid int(11)   YES   NULL  
rate double   YES   NULL  
progress int(11)   YES   NULL  
goal int(11)   YES   NULL  
estimated_finish_at datetime   YES   NULL  
status varchar(20) Job status (e.g. completed, died). YES   NULL  
django_version varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
polled_at datetime Last time this report's status was polled (by keeping its window open) while it was running. (If a report is running but has not been checked in ten minutes, it's considered abandoned and is killed). YES   NULL  

CMS tables

The CMS tables relate to the appearance and text of pages, like petitions, call actions, and unsubscribes.

The following cms tables are described below:


Allowed templateset fields.

Field width=100pxType Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1)   NO MUL NULL  
order_index int(11) Sets display order for list of fields. NO   NULL  
display_name varchar(255) The display name is shown when selecting a custom field and may be changed in the future. Spaces, punctuation, etc are permitted. NO UNI NULL  
name varchar(255)   NO PRI NULL  
always_show tinyint(1) 1=always show NO   NULL  
description longtext Add a description to help your campaigners use this custom field. We will display your description just below the form input. YES   NULL  
field_default longtextProvide a default value that will be pre-filled wherever this field is displayed in the admin. NO   NULL  
field_choices longtext Choices displayed for this field. NO   NULL  
field_regex longtext You can provide a regular expression to validate campaigners' input here. NO   NULL  
field_type varchar(32) Choose how data should be entered in this field. NO   NULL  
field_length int(11) Maximum number of characters; leave blank for unlimited. YES   NULL  
required tinyint(4) 1 if the field is required. NO   NULL  


Call page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_call_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_call_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
script_text longtext Sample call script displayed to the user. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext Introductory text about call campaign, encouraging user to call. NO   NULL  
survey_question_text longtext Question for users about the call, such as "how did it go?". NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Sample letters displayed on LTE forms.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each canned letter. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
lte_form_id int(11) ID of the lte page content form. NO MUL NULL  
subject varchar(80) Canned letter subject line. NO   NULL  
letter_text longtext Sample letter text. NO   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_campaign_volunteer_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_campaign_volunteer_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
client_hosted tinyint(1) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS NO   NULL  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. NO   NULL  
ground_rules longtext Ground rules you require volunteer moderators to agree to before they can sign up. NO   NULL  
volunteer_text longtext Content that displays on the volunteer moderator sign up form. NO   NULL  


Donation page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_donation_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_donation_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
ask_text longtext Donation request. NO   NULL  
is_recurring tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
show_other_amount tinyint(1) 1=show other amount checkbox to user. NO   NULL  
amount_order varchar(255) Options are "High-to-Low", "Low-to-High". NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Donations also have a subsidiary table showing suggested donation amounts to be displayed on a donation page to the end user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
amount varchar(10) Amount to be displayed. NO   NULL  
donation_form_id int(11) Joins to cms_donation_form. NO MUL NULL  
is_default tinyint(1) 1 if this amount is selected by default YES   0  


Host event creation page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_event_create_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_event_create_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
ground_rules longtext Text contains any event ground rules such as legal requirements. NO   NULL  
host_requirements longtext Text containing any requirements specific to the event host. NO   NULL  
host_text longtext Intro text on the host sign up page. NO   NULL  
custom_field_html longtext   NO   NULL  
tools_text longtext Text displayed on the event tools page, where the host can manage their own event. NO   NULL  
tools_sidebar longtext Sidebar on host event tools page - enter URLs for resources like event guide. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Volunteer moderator form for reviewing events, flagging issues, emailing hosts, etc.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after user submits an event moderation action. NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) ID of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_event_moderate_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_event_moderate_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
client_hosted tinyint(1) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS NO   NULL  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. NO   NULL  
custom_field_html longtext Used to define criteria or questions for volunteers when reviewing events. Must start with 'action_'. NO   NULL  
tools_text longtext Text displayed in the moderation box for volunteer moderators. NO   NULL  
tools_sidebar longtext Sidebar for moderator view. NO   NULL  
host_tools_sidebar longtext Not in use. NO   NULL  


Attendee event sign up page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_event_signup_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_event_signup_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
ground_rules longtext Text contains any event ground rules such as legal requirements. NO   NULL  
search_page_text longtext Intro text on the page where users can search for events by zip or city. NO   NULL  
signup_text longtext Text displayed on the screen where users sign up for a particular event. NO   NULL  
custom_field_html longtext   NO   NULL  
tools_text longtext Text containing information about the attendee event tool page. NO   NULL  
tools_sidebar longtext URLs for attendee materials. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Event moderator sign up page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after user submits an event moderation action. NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) ID of the templateset, which defines the page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_event_moderate_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_event_moderate_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
client_hosted tinyint(1) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS NO   NULL  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. NO   NULL  
ground_rules longtext Text contains any rules for moderators to agree to. NO   NULL  
volunteer_text longtext Text displayed on the signup page for volunteer moderators. NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11)   NO UNI NULL  
repository_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
path varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
live_branch varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
preview_branch varchar(255)   NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
body longtext   NO   NULL  
repository_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
processed_by_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
owner varchar(255)   NO MUL NULL  
repos varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
private tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
public_key longtext   YES   NULL  
private_key longtext   YES   NULL  
webhook varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
deploy_key varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
secret varchar(255)   NO   NULL  


Letter page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the letter look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_letter_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_letter_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
statement_leadin longtext Letter lead in text. NO   NULL  
letter_text longtext Default letter text that end users can edit. NO   NULL  
about_text longtext Letter page intro. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


LTE page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the lte look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_lte_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_lte_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext LTE intro. NO   NULL  
talking_points longtext Main points for end user to include in lte. NO   NULL  
writing_tips longtext Tips to end user about writing letters to the editor. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Petition content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each petition form. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the petition look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_petition_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_petition_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
statement_leadin longtext Optional text displayed to end user saying who target is. NO   NULL  
statement_text longtext Petition statement text. Displayed to end user. NO   NULL  
about_text longtext Text about why the user should sign the petition. Displayed to end user. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Recurring donation cancellation page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the recurring donation cancel page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_recurringdonationcancel_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_recurringdonationcancel_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
please_stay_text longtext Optional text displayed to end user requesting that they not cancel their donation. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Recurring donation update page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the recurring donation update page look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_recurringdonationupdate_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_recurringdonationupdate_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
update_card_text longtext Text to end user about options on this page. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Sign up page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the signup look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_signup_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_sign_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext Optional text displayed to end user asking them to signup. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Survey page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the survey look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_survey_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_survey_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext Optional text displayed to end user explaining the survey. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Surveys also have a subsidiary table for the survey question html.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for all survey questions on this survey form. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
question_label varchar(255) Survey question label. NO   NULL  
question_html longtext Html to display the question and answer choices (as checkboxes, or a textbox, etc.) for the end user. NO   NULL  
survey_form_id int(11) Joins to general survey content, as outlined in the table above, on ( cms_survey_question.survey_form_id) NO MUL NULL  
ordering int(11) Sets the question order on the survey page. YES   0  
field_type varchar(16) Display format for field (e.g. 'text', 'checkbox', etc.) YES   NULL  
field_name varchar(255) The name of the action field that the user entry is saved under (e.g. select value from core_actionfield where name='[field_name entry]'). YES   NULL  
alternatives longtext Text of alternatives if the field type offers options to select from. YES   NULL  
options_json longtext Description needed. YES   NULL  
is_required tinyint(1) 1 if required. YES   0  


HTML for each template. A template sets the appearance for a page type (like petition) and related items (like list of states).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
filename varchar(255) Identifies page type or name of related item. NO MUL NULL  
code longtext Template HTML. NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Joins to templateset on ( cms_template.templateset_id). NO MUL NULL  
code_hash varchar(64) Holds a hash of the template's code NO MUL NULL  


Stored text of old and current versions of templates for history.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
code_hash varchar(64) Holds a hash of the template's code NO MUL NULL  
code longtext html for displaying this type of page or item. NO   NULL  


Stores old versions of templates.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Joins to templateset on ( cms_templatehistory.templateset_id). NO MUL NULL  
filename varchar(255) Identifies name of particular template. NO   NULL  
code_hash varchar(64) Holds a hash of the template's code NO   NULL  
user_name varchar(64) Identifies which admin user made this edit. YES   NULL  
edit_type varchar(64) Contains a designation like "edit", "copy", or "patch" YES   NULL  
github_sha varchar(64) Description needed. YES   NULL  
github_message longtext Description needed. YES   NULL  


Name and description of a set of templates. Each set has the same templates.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Name of set NO UNI NULL  
description varchar(255) Description of set NO   NULL  
lang_id int(11) Joins to core_language on (cms_templateset.lang_id= YES MUL NULL  
editable tinyint(1) 0 prevents overwriting built-in Original templatesets NO   1  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=yes, templateset is hidden NO MUL NULL  
is_default tinyint(1) 1 if this templateset is to be selected by default during page creation YES   0  


Templateset field values.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
parent_id int(11) User id. Joins to core_template on (core_templatesetfield.parent_id= NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) field name NO MUL NULL  
value longtext Value to be applied to the template. NO   NULL  


Unsubscribe page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the unsubscribe look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_unsubscribe_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_unsubscribe_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext Optional text displayed to end user. NO   NULL  
suvery_question_text longtext Text asking user why they want to unsubscribe. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Images, etc. for use in pages.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
bucket varchar(255) Needs description NO   NULL  
directory varchar(255) location of the file NO   NULL  
filename varchar(255) name of the file NO   NULL  
url varchar(255) address which you use to access the file NO UNI NULL  
etag varchar(255) (For internal use; helps to identify duplicate files even when the filenames are different) NO   NULL  
size int(11) Size, in bytes. Divide by 1024 for KB or again by 1024 for MB. May be NULL for old files. YES   NULL  


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
form_type_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    
form_id int(10) unsigned Joins to the unique identifier of the CMS form table for the content type identified by form_type_id. NO      
type varchar(8) User, action, custom, or HTML. NO      
label longtext Field input label. NO      
field_name varchar(96) Name of the field NO      
input varchar(16) HTML input type. NO      
alternatives longtext The options provided for this input. NO      
html longtext Custom input HTML when type=HTML. NO      
status varchar(8) visible=the field will show on the user form, but a user can submit without entering a value. Required=the user cannot submit on this page without filling in this field. Hidden=the field will be included if required by an selected advocacy target. NO      
ordering int(11) Used to reorder form fields. NO      


Whipcount page content.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Id of the templateset, which defines the whipcount look and feel. Pulls from cms_templateset on ( cms_whipcount_form.templateset_id) NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page, which defines action basics and follow-up. Pulls from core_ page on (cms_whipcount_form.page_id= NO UNI NULL  
thank_you_text longtext Text displayed on the thank you page (URL defined in core_page table) after end user takes action. NO   NULL  
introduction_text longtext Page intro. NO   NULL  
script_text longtext Call script. NO   NULL  
survey_question_text longtext Question for the user about the call (e.g. "Who did you speak to?"). NO   NULL  
results_source varchar(255) Source used to determine target's position. Possible values are User submitted, Admin configured, and User submitted with admin overrides. NO   users  
minimum_response_agreement decimal(3,2) Percentage value that must agree before the results are displayed on the page. NO   NULL  
minimum_calls int(11) The number of calls that must be made before the results are displayed on the page. NO   NULL  
client_hosted int(11) 1 if the page is hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS YES   0  
client_url varchar(255) URL of a page hosted outside of the ActionKit CMS. Used for the "View" link in the admin interface. YES      


Holds the admin configuration for overrides for target stances on a whipcount page.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
whipcount_form_id int(11) Joins to cms_whipcount_form NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11) Joins to core_target NO MUL NULL  
stance varchar(255) Holds the target's position: either "supportive," "opposed," or "uncommitted" NO   NULL  

Page testing and statistics Tables

A/B page test tables record variations, trials, views and actions associated with page tests.


An A/B test containing two or more variations, which override selected attributes of the page, like its title or sharing text.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Either the given or auto-generated name for the A/B test. YES   NULL  
notes varchar(255) Notes field for internal use. YES   NULL  
scope varchar(12) Not in use. NO   NULL  
allocation varchar(32) Method for assigning users to test variants: equal, custom, or optimize. NO   NULL  
optimize_for varchar(32) If allocation=optimize, the ratio that the test will try to optimize. YES   NULL  
change_page_title tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change page titles. NO   NULL  
change_intro_text tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change page intro text. NO   NULL  
change_thanks_text tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change page thank-you text. NO   NULL  
change_templateset tinyint(1) 1=Test variants may change page templatesets. NO   NULL  
change_custom_fields tinyint(1) Not used. NO   NULL  
change_followup_url tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change follow-up URLs. NO   NULL  
change_email_enabled tinyint(1) 1=Test variants may change whether thank-you emails are sent. NO   NULL  
change_email_subject tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change thank-you email subject. NO   NULL  
change_email_body tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change thank-you email body. NO   NULL  
change_taf_enabled tinyint(1) 1=Test variants may change whether tell-a-friend is enabled. NO   NULL  
change_taf_subject tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change tell-a-friend email subject. NO   NULL  
change_taf_body tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change tell-a-friend email body. NO   NULL  
change_share_title tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change share title. NO   NULL  
change_share_description tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change Facebook share description. NO   NULL  
change_share_image tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change Facebook share image. NO   NULL  
change_twitter_message tinyint(1) 1=Test variants change Twitter message. NO   NULL  


Variations override selected attributes of page in a test, like its title or sharing text.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
test_id int(11) Joins to lab_test. NO MUL NULL  
letter varchar(2) Letter identifying this variant, e.g. A or B. NO   NULL  
weight double Allocation weight for this variant. Variants with a greater weight are shown more frequently. NO   NULL  
disabled tinyint(1) 1=Users will not see or be enrolled in a test using this variation. NO   NULL  
page_title varchar(255) Page title shown for this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
intro_text longtext Intro text to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
thanks_text longtext Thank-you text to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
templateset_id int(11) Templateset to use for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. YES MUL NULL  
custom_fields longtext Not used. NO   NULL  
followup_url varchar(255) Follow-up URL to use for users taking action on this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
email_enabled varchar(1) 0=Thank-you email disabled, 1=thank-you text enabled. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
email_subject varchar(255) Thank-you email subject to use for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
email_body longtext Thank-you email body to use for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
taf_enabled varchar(1) 0=Tell-a-friend disabled, 1=tell-a-friend enabled. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
taf_subject varchar(255) Tell-a-friend subject to use for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
taf_body longtext tell-a-friend email body use for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
share_title varchar(255) Facebook share title to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
share_description longtext Facebook share description to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
share_image varchar(255) Facebook share image to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  
twitter_message varchar(255) Twitter message to display for users seeing this variation. If empty, page's original value will be used. NO   NULL  


A period during which a test was active.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
test_id int(11) Joins to lab_test. NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. YES MUL NULL  
started_at datetime Start date for this trial. NO   NULL  
ended_at datetime End date for this trial. YES   NULL  


When a test is active, users who visit a page are “enrolled” with one variation or another, and see that version of the page. Enrollments are sticky between requests, so if a user reloads a page, or clicks away and then returns, they’ll see the same variation again.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
test_id int(11) Joins to lab_test. NO MUL NULL  
variation_id int(11) Joins to lab_variation. NO MUL NULL  
trial_id int(11) Joins to lab_trial. YES MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. YES MUL NULL  
session_key varchar(255) Session identifier used to recognize a user across pageviews. YES   NULL  


The lab_view table stores a row for each view of a page that is involved in a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  
filename varchar(255) Not used. NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. YES MUL NULL  
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. YES MUL NULL  
share_id int(11) Joins to share_link. YES MUL NULL  


Extending lab_view, the lab_enrolledview table records a row for each page view made by a user enrolled in a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
view_id int(11) Joins to lab_view. NO MUL NULL  
enrollment_id int(11) Joins to lab_enrollment. NO MUL NULL  


Records actions taken by users that have been enrolled in a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
action_id int(11) Joins to core_action. NO MUL NULL  
enrollment_id int(11) Joins to core_enrollment. NO MUL NULL  


Records a row each time a user enrolled in a test clicks a tracking-enable share button to post a link to a social network.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
share_id int(11) Joins to share_link. NO MUL NULL  
enrollment_id int(11) Joins to lab_enrollment. NO MUL NULL  


Pages that have been assigned to a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
test_id int(11) Joins to lab_test. NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11) Joins to core_page. NO MUL NULL  


Categories that can be associated with a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=yes, tag is hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Tag name. NO UNI NULL  


Categories that have been associated with a test.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
test_id int(11) Joins to lab_test. NO MUL NULL  
tag_id int(11) Joins to lab_tag. NO MUL NULL  

Privacy Tables

The Privacy tables provide an audit log of privacy records, used for GDPR and other compliance.

The following core privacy tables are described below:


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
text longtext   NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
version_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(32)   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
text longtext   NO   NULL  
type longtext   NO   NULL  
lang_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
hash varchar(64)   NO UNI NULL  
accepted tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11)   NO PRI NULL  
hashed_email varchar(255)   NO   NULL  

Reports Tables

The Reports tables define queries and display for reports.

The following core reports tables are described below:


HTML for multi query (or dashboard) reports.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
report_ptr_id int(11) Identifies the report. Joins to report_report. NO PRI Null  
template longtext HTML and display instructions for dashboard report. NO   Null  


SQL queries.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
report_ptr_id int(11) Joins to reports_report above. NO PRI Null  
sql longtext The sql query. NO   Null  
display_as_id int(11) The template to be used to display the query. Joins to reports_querytemplate. NO MUL Null  
email_always_csv tinyint(1) Needs description YES   Null  
refresh varchar(255) For mailer library queries: every time, hourly or daily. YES   NULL  


Layouts for the queries.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each query layout. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL Null  
updated_at datetime   NO   Null  
name varchar(255) Template name. NO UNI Null  
template longtext Template HTML and display instructions. NO   Null  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  


Name and basic info about all reports (query or dashboard).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each report. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL Null  
updated_at datetime   NO   Null  
name varchar(255) Report name. NO UNI Null  
short_name varchar(255) Reference name. YES UNI NULL  
description varchar(255) Description of report. NO   Null  
type varchar(255) Report type: query or dashboard. NO   Null  
run_every varchar(255) How frequently this should run: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. NO   NULL  
to_emails varchar(4000) Emails to receive the report. NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL NULL  
help_text longtext Additional text giving user direction for input. NO   NULL  
send_if_no_rows tinyint(1) 1=send the report, whether or not there are any matching rows NO   1  
run_day int(11) Day of month YES   1  
run_weekday int(11) Day of week YES   1
run_hour int(11) Time of day YES   8  
editable tinyint(1) 1=the report is editable. YES   1  


Links report to category.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
report_id int(11) Joins NO MUL NULL  
reportcategory_id int(11) Joins NO MUL NULL  


All available report categories.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each category. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
name varchar(255) Homepage and mailer, plus whatever categories you add. NO UNI NULL  
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO MUL 0  
is_internal tinyint(1) Needs description NO   0  


Used to update custom user fields automatically.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI Null  
created_at datetime   NO MUL    
updated_at datetime   NO      
hidden tinyint(1) 1=hidden NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Display name NO   NULL  
description varchar(255) Description NO   NULL  
report_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL NULL  
run_every varchar(255) How frequently this should run: daily, weekly, or monthly NO   NULL  
run_day int(11) Day of month YES   1  
run_weekday int(11) Day of week YES   1
run_hour int(11) Time of day YES   8  
last_run_job_id int(11) ID of the last ReportUserUpdaterJob or ReportUserUpdaterUploadJob, if any. Joins to core_job. YES   NULL  
last_run_datetime datetime Date/timestamp of the last run, if any. YES   NULL  
last_run_status varchar(255) Status of the last run, if any. YES   NULL  
last_run_count int(11) Number of users updated during the last run, if any. YES   NULL  


Used to determine which staff members get notified of user updater runs.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier NO PRI Null  
userupdater_id int(11) Joins to reports_userupdater. NO PRI Null  
user_id int(11) Joins to auth_user. NO PRI Null  


Query report that will be excluded by default when a new mailing is created.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL    
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO      
report_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    


Additional parameters provided by staffer when using a query report as an auto excludes query.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO   NULL  
query_id int(11) Query identifier. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Parameter name. NO   NULL  
value varchar(255) Value entered by staffer for the parameter. NO   NULL  


Query report used to identify engaged users for re-engagement processing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL    
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO      
report_id int(11) Joins to NO MUL    


Additional parameters provided by staffer when using a query report to identify engaged users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime Creation date/time. NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime Updated date/time. NO   NULL  
query_id int(11) Query identifier. NO MUL NULL  
name varchar(255) Parameter name. NO   NULL  
value varchar(255) Value entered by staffer for the parameter. NO   NULL  


Accounts that have been granted access to the MySQL client analytics database.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI   auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO      
updated_at datetime   NO      
username varchar(32) Database username. NO UNI    
email varchar(255) Database user's email address. YES      
auth_user_id int(11) Staff user associated with account. YES MUL    


All zip code pairs within 50 miles of each other.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
zip char(5) Zip code. NO      
nearby char(5) Another zip with 50 miles. NO      
same_state tinyint(1) 1=yes if the second zip is in the same state as the first. YES   NULL  
distance decimal (3,1) Distance to second zip. YES   NULL  


All dates from 1998-09-11 until 2026-01-26. Particularly useful for aggregating actions over a date ranges that may include days with 0 actions.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
date varbinary(29)   YES   NULL  


All integers from 0 to 9999.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
number bigint(25)   NO   0  


All integers from 0 to 10.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
digit bigint(20)   NO   0  

Sharing Tables

The Sharing tables record share tracking links and any clicks and actions that are associated with them.


Records the names and two-letter type codes associated with various types of sharing, including Facebook, Twitter, and other.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
type varchar(2) Contains a share type code like "fb", "tw", or "ot" NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Title of the sharing type, like "Facebook" or "Twitter" NO   NULL  


The share_click table stores a row each time a user clicks on a trackable share link.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
page_id int(11) ID of the page that was clicked to. NO MUL NULL  
share_id int(11) ID of the share link that was clicked. NO MUL NULL  


The share_action table stores a row each time a user takes action after clicking on a trackable share link.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
share_id int(11) ID of the share link that was clicked to take this action. NO MUL NULL  
action_id int(11) ID of the core_action row created for this action. NO MUL NULL  

Delivery Tables


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
target_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
page_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
message longtext   YES   NULL  
subject varchar(255)   YES   NULL  
from_line longtext   YES   NULL  
recent_signatures int(11)   NO   NULL  
recent_since datetime   NO   NULL  
delivered tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
traceback longtext   YES   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
page_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
user_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
subject longtext   NO   NULL  
body longtext   NO   NULL  
reason varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
delivery_type varchar(255)   NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
job_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
target_count int(11)   NO   NULL  
signatures int(11)   YES   NULL  
format varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
hostname varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
filename varchar(255)   NO UNI NULL  
status varchar(255)   NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
petitiondeliveryfile_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
target_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
task_id varchar(255)   YES MUL NULL  
queued int(11)   NO   NULL  
completed int(11)   NO   NULL  
status varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
started_at datetime   YES   NULL  
completed_at datetime   YES   NULL  
job_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
format varchar(255)   NO   NULL  
archive varchar(255)   YES   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
file_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
downloaded_by_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
single_file tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
cover_html longtext   NO   NULL  
print_template_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
header_content longtext   NO   NULL  
footer_content longtext   NO   NULL  
allow_pdf_download tinyint(1)   YES      
allow_csv_download tinyint(1)   YES      
template_set_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
limit_delivery tinyint(1)   NO      
all_to_all tinyint(1)   YES      
include_email_in_csv tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
date_from date   YES   NULL  
date_to date   YES   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
single_file tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
cover_html longtext   NO   NULL  
print_template_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  
header_content longtext   NO   NULL  
footer_content longtext   NO   NULL  
allow_pdf_download tinyint(1)   YES      
allow_csv_download tinyint(1)   YES      
template_set_id int(11)   YES MUL NULL  
limit_delivery tinyint(1)   NO      
all_to_all tinyint(1)   YES      
include_email_in_csv tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
date_from date   YES   NULL  
date_to date   YES   NULL  

Salesforce Integration Tables


User field mappings for your Salesforce integration.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
ak_field varchar(255) Field in ActionKit mapping to Salesforce field. NO   NULL  
sf_field varchar(255) Field in Salesforce mapping to ActionKit field. NO   NULL  
readonly tinyint(1) 1 = mapping is not editable (for email and last_name). YES   NULL  
direction varchar(255) Shows how data will flow for this pair of fields: 'all' for bi-directional, ak_to_sf or sf_to_ak. NO   NULL  


Summary of each time the sync runs.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
last_sf_datetime datetime YES Not in use. NULL  
last_ak_user_id int(11) Last ActionKit user ID synced. YES NULL  
last_ak_action_id int(11) Last ActionKit action ID synced. YES NULL  
last_ak_updated_at datetime(6) Last ActionKit user updated_at synced. YES   NULL  
last_ak_uf_updated_at datetime(6) Last ActionKit custom user field updated_at synced. YES   NULL  
created_ak_users int(11) Not in use. NO NULL  
created_ak_orders int(11) Not in use. NO NULL  
created_sf_users int(11) Number of Salesforce contacts created. NO NULL  
created_sf_opportunities int(11) Number of Salesforce opportunities created. NO NULL  
created_sf_recurring int(11) Number of Salesforce recurring donations created. NO NULL  
updated_ak_users int(11) Not in use. NO NULL  
updated_sf_users int(11) Number of users who were updated in SF during the sync. NO NULL  
failed_ak_users int(11) Number of users who failed to sync from AK to SF. NO NULL  
failed_sf_users int(11) Not in use. NO NULL  
status varchar(20) failed or success NO NULL  
error longtext Detailed error message. YES NULL  


Order field mappings for your Salesforce integration.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
ak_field varchar(255) Field in ActionKit mapping to Salesforce field. NO   NULL  
ak_literal varchar(255) Description needed NO   NULL  
sf_field varchar(255) Field in Salesforce mapping to ActionKit field. NO   NULL  
sf_literal varchar(255) Description needed NO   NULL  
readonly tinyint(1) 1 = mapping is not editable (currently no fields). YES   NULL  
builtin tinyint(1) Description needed YES   NULL  
direction varchar(255) Shows how data will flow for this pair of fields: 'all' for bi-directional, ak_to_sf or sf_to_ak. NO   NULL  


Record of synced donations.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
order_id int(11) ActionKit order_id. Joins to core_order. NO MUL NULL  
salesforce_id varchar(18) Unique identifier in Salesforce, displayed in the opportunity record URL. NO   NULL  
origin varchar(2) System the donation is coming from: sf or ak. NO   NULL  


Recurring order field mappings for your Salesforce integration.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
ak_field varchar(255) Field in ActionKit mapping to Salesforce field. NO   NULL  
ak_literal varchar(255) Description needed NO   NULL  
sf_field varchar(255) Field in Salesforce mapping to ActionKit field. NO   NULL  
sf_literal varchar(255) Description needed NO   NULL  
readonly tinyint(1) 1 = mapping is not editable (currently no fields). YES   NULL  
builtin tinyint(1) Description needed YES   NULL  
direction varchar(255) Shows how data will flow for this pair of fields: 'all' for bi-directional, ak_to_sf or sf_to_ak. NO   NULL  


Not in use.


Maps individual payments on recurring orders from core_transaction to the corresponding Salesforce opportunity.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
transaction_id int(11) ActionKit transaction_id. Joins to core_transaction. NO MUL NULL  
salesforce_id varchar(18) Unique identifier in Salesforce, displayed in the opportunity record URL. NO   NULL  


Record of user to contact mapping and whether the record was newly created in each system.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) ActionKit user_id. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
salesforce_id varchar(18) Unique identifier in Salesforce, displayed in the user record URL. NO   NULL  
match_type varchar(255) 'primary_email' if there's a match between systems. NO   NULL  
created_ak_user tinyint(1) 1 if the sync created a new user in ActionKit. NO   NULL  
created_sf_user tinyint(1) 1 if the sync created a new contact in Salesforce. NO   NULL  
last_sync_at datetime(6) Deprecated; use updated_at instead. Last time the user/contact were synced. YES   NULL  


Record of failed sync attempts for specific users.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
user_id int(11) ActionKit user_id. Joins to core_user. NO MUL NULL  
reason longtext Reason the sync failed. NO   NULL  

Salesforce historical tables

Each historical table stores previous versions of an object. In addition to the object's regular fields, there are additional fields available on each historical table:

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
history_id int(11) Unique identifier of the mapping's history record. Not to be confused with id, the unique identifier of the mapping. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
history_date datetime Date/time this mapping was updated, and this history record was saved as a result NO   NULL  
history_user integer Which staff user made this change. NO   NULL  
history_change_reason varchar(100) For internal use only. NO   NULL  


This stored previous version of user field mappings. Joins to core_salesforcefieldmap.


This stored previous version of order field mappings. Joins to core_salesforceorderfieldmap.


This stored previous version of recurring order field mappings. Joins to core_salesforcerecurringorderfieldmap.

EveryAction Integration Tables


Mapping of ActionKit payment accounts to EveryAction designations.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
account varchar(255) ActionKit account name NO UNI
designation_name varchar(255) EveryAction designation name NO


Log of all EveryAction API calls made

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
method varchar(255) API method called NO
filename varchar(255) ActionKit source filename NO
line int ActionKit source line number NO


Stores mapping data for use with the EveryAction Bulk Upload API

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
name varchar(255) NO
result_name varchar(255) NO
readonly tinyint(1) NO
sync varchar(255) NO
hidden tinyint(1) NO
direction varchar(8) NO
virtual tinyint(1) NO


Stores field definitions for bulk mappings, used to construct input for the EveryAction Bulk Upload API.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
mapping_id int NO MUL
name varchar(255) NO
readonly tinyint(1) NO
hidden tinyint(1) NO
column varchar(255) YES
ak_field varchar(255) YES
fmt varchar(255) YES
static varchar(255) YES
output tinyint(1) NO
ord int NO


This tables stores a row for every run of the EveryAction sync, recording status info.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
last_ak_user_id int YES
last_ak_action_id int YES
last_ak_updated_at datetime(6) YES
last_ak_uf_updated_at datetime(6) YES
last_ea_contact_update datetime(6) YES
created_ea_contacts int NO
updated_ea_contacts int NO
failed_ea_contacts int NO
created_ak_users int NO
updated_ak_users int NO
failed_ak_users int NO
created_ea_contributions int NO
updated_ea_contributions int NO
failed_ea_contributions int NO
status varchar(20) success or failed NO
error longtext if status=failed this field contains the error details YES


This table holds data related to merge queries used in the EA sync.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
sync varchar(255) NO
report_id int YES MUL


This table holds orders that failed to sync to EA along with error details. This is used to control retry frequency in the sync.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
order_id int NO MUL
reason longtext Error description NO


Table mapping ActionKit orders (one-time and recurring) to EveryAction Contributions and Recurring Donations.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
order_id int NO MUL
contribution_id int NO MUL
is_recurring tinyint(1) YES
origin varchar(2) Currently always set to ak NO


Log of calls to the ActionKit REST API EveryAction resources.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
method varchar(255) NO
path varchar(255) NO
user_id int NO MUL
body longtext NO
status_code int NO
result longtext NO


This table holds recurring payments that failed to sync to EA along with error details. This is used to control retry frequency in the sync.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
transaction_id int NO MUL
reason longtext NO


Table mapping ActionKit recurring payments to EveryAction Contributions.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
transaction_id int NO MUL
contribution_id int NO MUL


This table holds users that failed to sync to EA along with error details. This is used to control retry frequency in the sync.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
user_id int NO MUL
reason longtext NO


Table mapping ActionKit users to EveryAction Contacts.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int NO PRI auto_increment
created_at datetime(6) NO MUL
updated_at datetime(6) NO MUL
user_id int NO MUL
van_id int NO MUL
created_ea_contact tinyint(1) Set to 1 if the sync process created a new EA Contact for this user, 0 if it found an existing EA Contact match NO

ActBlue Integration Tables


Logs connections (and connection attempts) to the ActionKit ActBlue webhook.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
webhook_path varchar(255) Name of webhook ("actblue") NO MUL NULL  
status varchar(255) success, bad_password, bad_username, locked_out_ip NO MUL NULL  
session_id varchar(255) Hash of login session (if any) YES MUL NULL  
username varchar(255) Attempted username YES MUL NULL  
payment_account varchar(255) Attempted payment account name YES   NULL  
ip_address varchar(255) Source of request NO   NULL  
url varchar(255) Path attempted including GET params YES   NULL  


Stores received webhook events. Only contains recent data; older data is regularly deleted. See webhooks_webhooknotificationreceivedlog for historical data.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) Type of webhook event received. Currently only used for actblue_payment. NO   NULL  
url varchar(255) Webhook endpoint URL where this event was received. NO   NULL  
message longtext Webhook event data in JSON format. NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) Status of this event (handled, error, retry, duplicate) NO   NULL  
error longtext Technical error details, if any. NO   NULL  
retries int(11) Number of retries attempted, if any. NO   NULL  


Like webhooks_webhooknotificationreceived, but also contains historical data and the column actblue_id which can be joined to core_order on import_id.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) Type of webhook event received. Currently only used for actblue_payment. NO   NULL  
url varchar(255) Webhook endpoint URL where this event was received. NO   NULL  
message longtext Webhook event data in JSON format. NO   NULL  
status varchar(255) Status of this event (handled, error, retry, duplicate) NO   NULL  
error longtext Technical error details, if any. NO   NULL  
actblue_id varchar(64) ActBlue orderNumber present in the message JSON body. Joins on core_order.import_id NO   NULL  


Connects core_transaction and core_order_detail, so we can aggregate multiple ActBlue notifications into a single Transaction without duplicates. This allows us to identify information including amounts donated by candidate on the transaction level.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
transaction_id int(11) Joins to core_transaction. NO MUL NULL  
detail_id int(11) Joins to core_order_detail. NO MUL NULL  
candidate_id int(11) Joins to core_candidate. NO MUL NULL  
amount decimal(10,2) Amount donated. NO   NULL  
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Amount donated, approximately converted into USD. NO   0.00  
currency varchar(3) The original currency for the transaction. NO   USD  
sequence int(11) For transactions that are part of a recurring series, indicates how many payments have been previously made as part of that series. NO MUL NULL  
lineitem_id varchar(255) Indicates which lineitem this payment is associated with. NO   NULL  
type varchar(255) Type of transaction (sale, credit, cancel) NO   NULL  

Staff User Tables


Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier for each staff user. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
password varchar(128) Staff user password NO   NULL  
last_login datetime(6) Date and time staff user last logged into admin UI. YES   NULL  
is_superuser tinyint(1) 1=superuser NO   NULL  
username varchar(30) Username for log in. NO UNI NULL  
first_name varchar(30) Staff user's first name. NO   NULL  
last_name varchar(30) Staff user's last name. NO   NULL  
email varchar(254) Staff user's email. NO   NULL  
is_staff tinyint(1) 1=staff NO   NULL  
is_active tinyint(1) 1=active/able to log into admin UI. NO   NULL  
date_joined datetime(6) When the staff user account was created. NO   NULL  

Config/Admin Tables


Default settings for text editors in your instance.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
visual_default varchar(16) Mode the editor will start in for fields that support the WYSIWYG: 'on' for visual, 'off' for plain and 'code' for code. NO   NULL  
template_default varchar(16) Mode the editor will start in for fields that don't support the WYSIWYG: 'off' for plain and 'code' for code. NO   NULL  
turn_off_visual tinyint(1) 1 turns off the visual editor everywhere. NO   NULL  


CONFIG settings.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime(6)   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime(6)   NO   NULL  
entity varchar(255) Category of client settings (e.g. 'Mailer Targeting Defaults'.) NO MUL NULL  
attribute varchar(255) Specific setting (e.g. 'Mailing List'). NO   NULL  
value longtext Value for the setting. Blank if not set. NO   NULL  


Donation processing settings for your instance. Set on CONFIG screen.

Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
duplicate_window int(11) Duration in minutes in which to search for duplicate donations. Set on CONFIG screen. YES   NULL  
send_ip_address tinyint(1) Braintree only. 1=send IP address to 'customer_ip' custom field you have created in Braintree for this information. NO      


Announcements created by Staff Users and displayed for all staff in the admin UI.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unique identifier NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
title longtext Announcement title, displayed in bold. NO   NULL  
message longtext Additional content, displayed after title. NO   NULL  
type varchar(10) Type of announcement (danger, info, release, warning). NO   NULL  
url longtext URL if you include one in the announcement. NO   NULL  
tag varchar(255) Description needed NO   NULL  
expiration datetime Not in use. YES   NULL  
user_id int(11) Not in use. YES MUL NULL  
creator_id int(11) The user_id of the staff member who added or edited the announcement. Announcements from WAWD have no creator. NO PRI NULL auto_increment


Shows announcements that have been closed manually by a staff user.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO MUL NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
notice_id int(11) Joins to core_notice. NO MUL NULL  
user_id int(11) The ID of the staff user who closed the announcement. YES MUL NULL  


Settings for your instance for auto-excludes. Set on CONFIG screen.

Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
use_auto_excludes tinyint(1) 1=enable auto-excludes for your instance. NO   NULL  
send_date_default varchar(255) Default auto-exclude date (none, today or tomorrow). NO   NULL  


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
url varchar(200) URL to which messages will be posted NO   NULL  
name varchar(255) Optional descriptive name NO   NULL  
triggers json JSON representation of triggers for this endpoint NO   []  
ratelimit int Rate limit (per second) of deliveries to this endpoint NO   100  
retries int Number of retries attempted if delivery fails NO   3  
handler_id varchar(255) Vendor provided identifier NO      


Description needed

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) Unique identifier. NO PRI NULL auto_increment
created_at datetime   NO   NULL  
updated_at datetime   NO   NULL  
hidden tinyint(1)   NO   NULL  
contact_id int(11)   NO MUL NULL  

Summary Tables


A collection of summary statistics for users, useful for finding active or inactive users. These statistics are updated hourly, but changes to older data, e.g. changing the "Include In Reports of Member Actions" setting on a page or modifying timestamps of existing orders via API, won't be picked up immediately.

Note: Summary_user used to only recognize timestamps within the past year. In 2023, we changed the functionality to remove this limitation; summary_user now reads the most recent timestamp since 2019.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
user_id int(11) Joins to core_user. This table has a one-to-one relationship with core_user. NO PRI NULL
created_at datetime When this summary record (not the user) was created. NO MUL NULL
updated_at datetime When this summary record (not the user) was last changed. NO MUL NULL
last_action datetime Datetime of the last complete action taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" . Note that this is not limited to actions from mailings, so may not be proof of a good email address. YES MUL NULL
last_mailing_action datetime Datetime of the last complete action taken by this user from a mailing. This is suitable for use in re-engagement queries. YES MUL NULL
last_mailed datetime Datetime of the last time this user was sent a mailing. This is suitable for use in re-engagement queries. YES MUL NULL
last_open datetime Datetime of the last open by this user. YES MUL NULL
last_raw_open datetime Datetime of the last raw open by this user. YES MUL NULL
last_click datetime Datetime of the last click (from a mailing) by this user. YES MUL NULL
last_subscribed datetime Datetime of the last subscribe/resubscribe for this user to the default list. YES MUL NULL
last_donation datetime Datetime of the last complete single or recurring donation with an amount > 0 by this user. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_30_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 30 days. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_60_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 60 days. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_90_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 90 days. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_180_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 180 days. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_270_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 270 days. YES MUL NULL
actions_last_365_days smallint Count of complete actions taken by this user on a page with "Include In Reports of Member Actions" set in the last 365 days. YES MUL NULL
mailbox_provider varchar(16) Which mailbox provider this user's email domain is associated with (Examples include gmail, ms, vmg, or other for smaller/less common domains.) YES MUL NULL


A collection of summary statistics for mailings, useful for reviewing mailing performance.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. This table has a one-to-one relationship with core_mailing. NO PRI NULL
created_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing) was created. NO MUL NULL
updated_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing) was last changed. NO MUL NULL
finished_at datetime Date/time this mailing finished its send. YES MUL NULL
recipients int(11) Number of users who received this mailing. YES MUL NULL
total_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened YES MUL NULL
total_raw_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
total_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked YES MUL NULL
total_raw_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
actions int(11) Number of times an action was taken from this mailing YES MUL NULL
orders int(11) Number of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing, converted to USD YES MUL NULL
unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed from this mailing YES MUL NULL
total_unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed, bounced, or clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces int(11) Number of users who bounced from this mailing. Only includes HARD bounces. YES MUL NULL
complaints int(11) Number of users who clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces_all int(11) Number of bounces reported by Sparkpost for this mailing. Includes both HARD and SOFT bounces. NO MUL 0
delays int(11) Number of delays reported by Sparkpost for this mailing. NO MUL 0
deliveries int(11) Number of completed deliveries reported by Sparkpost for this mailing. NO MUL NULL


A collection of summary statistics for mailings, grouped by subject. Subject ID will be 0 in cases where the subject is unknown (forwarded mailings, for example).

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11)   NO PRI NULL
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. This table has a one-to-one relationship with core_mailing. NO   NULL
subject_id int(11) Joins to core_mailingsubject, except when 0 for unknown subjects. NO   NULL
created_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing/subject) was created. NO MUL NULL
updated_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing/subject) was last changed. NO MUL NULL
finished_at datetime Date/time this mailing finished its send. YES MUL NULL
recipients int(11) Number of users who received this mailing YES MUL NULL
total_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened YES MUL NULL
total_raw_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
total_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked YES MUL NULL
total_raw_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
actions int(11) Number of times an action was taken from this mailing YES MUL NULL
orders int(11) Number of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing, converted to USD YES MUL NULL
unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed from this mailing YES MUL NULL
total_unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed, bounced, or clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces int(11) Number of users who bounced from this mailing YES MUL NULL
complaints int(11) Number of users who clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces_all int(11) Number of hard AND soft bounces NO MUL NULL
delays int(11) Number of messages delayed at least once NO MUL NULL
deliveries int(11) Not currently used NO MUL NULL


A collection of summary statistics for mailings, grouped by variation when using inline A/B testing.

Field Type Description Null Key Default Extra
id int(11)   NO PRI NULL
mailing_id int(11) Joins to core_mailing. This table has a one-to-one relationship with core_mailing. NO   NULL
variation_id int(11) Joins to core_mailingvariation, except for 0 for unknown variations. NO   NULL
created_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing/variation) was created. NO MUL NULL
updated_at datetime When this summary record (not the mailing/variation) was last changed. NO MUL NULL
finished_at datetime Date/time this mailing finished its send. YES MUL NULL
letter varchar(2) Letter used to identify the variation YES MUL NULL
recipients int(11) Number of users who received this mailing YES MUL NULL
total_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened YES MUL NULL
total_raw_opens int(11) Number of times this mailing was opened (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_opens int(11) Number of users who opened this mailing (using core_open_raw). Note that although core_open_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
total_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked YES MUL NULL
total_raw_clicks int(11) Number of times a link in this mailing was clicked (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing YES MUL NULL
raw_clicks int(11) Number of users who clicked a link in this mailing (using core_click_raw). Note that although core_click_raw regularly deletes old data, original counts will be preserved here. YES MUL NULL
actions int(11) Number of times an action was taken from this mailing YES MUL NULL
orders int(11) Number of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing YES MUL NULL
amount_converted decimal(10,2) Total amount of donations associated with this mailing, converted to USD YES MUL NULL
unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed from this mailing YES MUL NULL
total_unsubscribes int(11) Number of users who unsubscribed, bounced, or clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces int(11) Number of users who bounced from this mailing YES MUL NULL
complaints int(11) Number of users who clicked spam from this mailing YES MUL NULL
bounces_all int(11) Number of hard AND soft bounces NO MUL NULL
delays int(11) Number of messages delayed at least once NO MUL NULL
deliveries int(11) Not currently used NO MUL NULL

Internal use only Tables

The following is the list of internal tables. These tables are not for use by client.

  • auth_* tables
  • axes_accessattempt
  • cache
  • celery_*
  • core_adminprefs
  • core_adminlocation
  • core_adminnoticelog
  • core_blocked_email
  • core_bounce_state
  • core_donationattemptlog
  • core_facebookapp
  • core_faxaccount
  • core_googleanalytics
  • core_hostingplatform
  • core_jobcron
  • core_joberror
  • core_jobsignal
  • core_job_state
  • core_jobstatuslog
  • core_pagefollowup_pushes
  • core_previous_page_tags
  • core_redirectpage
  • core_s3connection
  • core_salesforcesyncrule
  • core_savedquerylog
  • core_session
  • core_subscriptionhistory_synced_to_sendgrid
  • core_targetcontact
  • core_tellafriendaction
  • core_todaytimezone
  • core_timezonepreference
  • core_transactionalmailing_tags
  • core_unsub_email
  • core_unsub_email_state
  • core_usergeofield
  • core_usermailing_archive_model
  • core_usermailing_archive_state
  • core_useroriginal
  • core_geocodequeue
  • django_* tables
  • lab_metric
  • lab_pagetype
  • lab_test_custom_fields
  • lab_test_page_types
  • mergefile_1
  • renamed_core_transactions_core_payment
  • reports_cachedqueryresult
  • spam_checkeractionstate
  • tastypie_* tables